6. The Gang

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Chapter 6
Penelope Bonvalets

The music was so loud we could hear them from outside the shut doors, "Let's find my friends first." Nexie says and we nod as we hold each other's hands as we make it through the dancing crowd to the other side of the room where Nexie's friends are. I've never had so many humans in my personal space, it makes me feel like I'm one of them.

"Harold!" Nexie goes to hug an Asian looking guy who has another guy by his side whom Nexie hugs next, "Guys meet Julia and Penelope," Nexie grins at us, "Girls this is Harold and Albert, Albert is my childhood friend and Harold here is his roommate."

Julia gives them a quick hug while I just wave at them, "Drinks this way ladies," Albert says in an American accent, Julia passes me a red glass as everyone takes one for themselves. 

"To a new beginning." Nexie toasts,

"To new beginnings," Albert adds to which we chuckle and drink, I quicky stop when the bitter potion burns down my throat.

"What is this?" I pull my face in distaste,

Julia laughs and pats my back while Nexie grabs a sliced lemon and puts in in my mouth, "You'll get used to it, finish your glass." She says and I nod, 

"No more," I shake my head and put the glass away, 

"Wanna dance?" Nexie yells over the music, I shake my head as the world starts to turn a bit for me, "Stay here." She says and I nod sitting on the chair where Albert previously was, they go to dance and Harold stays back with me.

"First time drinking alcohol?" He opens a coke can and gives it to me, I thank him before taking a big sip,

"It was bad," I blink finally feeling a little better, Harold laughs.

"Yeah, I don't like it either."

"I saw you drinking earlier." I narrow my eyes at him,

"That much doesn't get me drunk," 

I look at him weirdly, "Am I drunk?"

"You don't look sober for sure," He is smiling all the time which makes me want to smile too.

"You should get drunk too." I look at the crowd which makes me happier. "It feels nice."

I hear him sigh next to me so I look at him, "I always get myself into trouble when drunk."

"What kind of trouble?" I pull by brows together, he comes closer and says: I f*ck guys, something in my ear which I don't hear over the music.

"I couldn't hear you." I move closer to him, he pushes me towards the dance floor, 

"Go dance you'll feel sober." He says, I pout resting my head on his arm while watching the crowd dance, I spot Nexie and Julia dancing so beautifully.

"Why are you not dancing?" I look at him still leaning on his arm,

"I can't dance." Harold replies without looking at me.

I sit up straight, "What do you mean? Everyone can dance, come let me show you." I stand and pull on his arm, he chuckles before following me into the crowd.

I close my eyes and let my body move to the rhythm slowly, I open my eyes and look at Harold who's laughing.

"You are worse than me." He says doing a funny step, I laugh and copy him. We laugh and move for a long time till we are sweating buckets and are out of breath, I had one or two glasses of vodka more. 

"Let's go sit, we've embarrassed ourselves enough." Harold leads me out of the crowd to the kitchen, he pours us two glasses of cold water. "Stay here, I'll be back in a moment." He says and I nod obediently.

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