32. Tattoo

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Chapter 32
Penelope Bonvalets

He stopped by suddenly in the middle of the street. He tilted his head and I hopped off. "What happened?" I asked taking off the helmet. "Come." He took my hand and walked to a shop. A tattoo shop.
"You're getting a tattoo?" I asked and he nodded.
"Long time no see Sebastian." The man spoke. They shook hands and hugged each other.
"Princess meet Dobby. He's the one who always makes my tattoos." He spoke.
"Hi." I gave him a polite smile.
"You must be his princess." He spoke and I looked at Sebastian.
"How do you know?" I asked.
"How could I not. He has your name tattooed." He replied.
"You have?" I looked at him. He nodded.
"What tattoo are you getting this time?" Dobby asked.
"Her." Sebastian took off his upper clothes.
His chest was covered with ink and a little on the arms too. I saw Princess written in bold letters below his collar bone, in calligraphy.
"You always asked why I left this place empty." He touched on his heart.
"It's for her. Can you portray her face here?" He asked and my eyes went wide.
"Have you lost your mind? That's crazy!" I exclaimed.
"I know." He smiled and turned to Dobby.
"Sure. Have a seat." He pulled out a red seat.
"Sebastian. Why are you doing this?" I asked.
"I always wanted to do this Princess. I just wanted to hold your hand while doing it." He held out his hand.
I put my hand in his and he held it.
"Have a seat. It'll take time." Dobby pulled out a chair for me as well.
"Are you really doing this?" I asked concerned.
"Don't worry. It's not that painful." He replied.
"But aren't you acting recklessly?"
"I'm not. I always dreamt of having one. And I'm really happy that it's happening." He replied.
Dobby started and I closed my eyes. I couldn't watch. I drilling noise and his little whimpers. He was trying to control them.
I held his hand tightly.
"Talk to me Princess." He spoke.
"Shut up!" I exclaimed. I just can't. After few hours or so it was done.
"Are you still not going to look?" He asked and I shook my head.
"It looks really nice tho." He commented. I slowly opened my eyes and turned to face him.
"Hey why are you crying?" He tried to move but winced.
"I'm not." I wiped my tears. "They came out unnoticed."
"Move carefully. That's going to hurt for a while." Dobby spoke.
I looked at my face that was tattooed on his chest. Dobby is a really good artist. It was beautiful.
"Isn't it nice?" Sebastian asked. I nodded looking at him.
He got up and wore his shirt.
"I'm getting a tattoo as well." I spoke.
"What?" He looked at me confused.
"Can't I?" I asked.
"No. Why would you?" He asked.
"Because I want to." I replied.
"What's this about Princess?"
"I want to tattoo your name as well." I replied and he chuckled.
"There's no need."
"Why? You can get one but I can't?"
"No you can't."
"I can't see you in pain. It hurts me more." He replied and I looked into his eyes.
I hugged him. I was careful not to hurt his chest. He held me.
"What did I do to be liked by you so much?" I spoke into his chest.
"You didn't have to do anything. It's like this from the start." He replied.
I pulled back and looked at him.
"I don't remember anything from my childhood."
"It's fine. We can make a lot of memories now." He smiled.
"Thank you Sebastian."
"For what?"
"Liking me?"
"I should be the one thanking you then. Thank you." He smiled.
"Okay lovebirds. It's the most a single man could take. Now get out." Dobby spoke. Sebastian chuckled.
We walked out.
"Do you want to have dinner together?" He asked.
"Sure." I hopped behind him.
I paid attention not to touch his tattoo.
He stopped at a restaurant.
We sat across each other.
"Can I ask you something?" I spoke.
"You don't have to ask that." He replied and I chuckled.
"It's about Daniel and Julia." I spoke.
He leaned back in his seat.
"I know Daniel messed up. But he's really trying. He has his own scars to heal." He replied.
"Just tell him not to hurt J."
"Trust me, that's the last thing he would want." He replied.
He seems close to Daniel.

The food arrived. "Umm.. are we going to make us public?" I asked. Nex told me that it's not a good idea. As they are the college celebs many will be offended.
"Of course. I'm going to show you off all around the campus." He smirked.
"What about your fangirls?"
He laughed.
"Don't worry about them. They won't do anything to you."
"That's not what I meant. It's just–"
"It's fine princess. Take time. I won't force anything on you." He held my hand.
"Thank you." I smiled.

He cupped my cheek and traced his thumb softly over my eye making me close my eye.
"Next time I'll get these eyes tattooed." He spoke.
"You won't." I took his hand in mine. "Promise me that you'll never get a tattoo again." I spoke.
"No buts. Just promise me. Or else– or else I'll also get a lot of tattoos." I spoke.
He sighed.
"Fine. I won't." He replied and I smiled.

He drove me home. "Good night." I smiled hanging him the helmet. "Night." He kissed my cheek softly. He drove away and I headed inside.

Hercules car came in. He got off and came to me smiling. "You went out?" He asked glancing at the panda I was holding. "Yeah." I replied.
We walked in. "You went alone?"
"No I went with Sebastian."
"That guy." He clenched his teeth.

"Look Hercules. I forgave you but this isn't working. He's my boyfriend now and I don–" "Boyfriend?" He asked. "This isn't how I was going to tell you but yes. He's my boyfriend now." I sighed.
"So even if you don't like him you have to like him. Like I like you."
"What you and I have and what that guy and I have is different."
"Something wrong here?" Will came from behind and put an arm around my shoulder.
"Nothing. Come. I have a lot to tell you." I smiled and walked inside.

We had dinner then I crashed at Will's room. I told him everything.
"Cool. If you're happy. Then I'm happy." He replied.
We talked all night.

Next morning I could barely keep awake while bathing.

I drove to school. I had got a sweet good morning text from Sebastian. It just made my morning happy.

I parked and got off. I saw Nex and Harold. "Nex!" I ran to them. They grinned and hugged me. Albert came and I hugged him as well. "Look who's back!" J came and hugged me. "I missed you guys so much!" I spoke.
"Glad you're back. I possibly couldn't take another lecture without you." J spoke.

"J have you seen the posts?" Nex asked hesitantly. "What posts?" She asked. Harold and Nex glanced at each other.
She showed her phone. Julia's hands on me loosened.
They were some videos. Of Daniel and Julia. I looked at Nex who helplessly shook her head.
"J are you Okay?" Albert asked.
"Juls!" We turned to Daniel who seemed to have ran here.
"Listen to me–" We gasped all Julia slapped him.
"Isn't hurting me once enough? Why do you have to do it again?!" She yelled.
"It was a mistake. I didn't mean to activate the account." He replied.
"Yes. A mistake. Everything was a mistake. From day one. You were also a mistake in the first place." She scoffed. Daniel clenched his jaw.
"Don't ever show your face to me again. I hate you! I hate you Daniel! Just leave me alone!" She yelled and walked away dashing with him.

"Daniel–" I called but he walked away. He seemed really hurt. "Come." Harold spoke and I nodded following J.


A looongg chapter;) Please forgive my spelling and grammatical mistakes.
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