24. Punishment is over

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Chapter 24
Penelope Bonvalets

"Caspian stop being so strict. They are all grown ups. How can you ground that poor child for a month." Aunt Janet yelled at Dad.

I was sitting with Will. The others had already left for work. Will poured caramel and chocolate on his pancake.

"Does that taste nice?" I asked.

"Yeah. Try some.- shall I pour?" He asked and I nodded.

"Ops." He poured a lot.

"Will!" I exclaimed and he laughed.

After breakfast Will stayed with me while Aunt Janet went with Dad.

"Let's play basketball. Winner gets a wish." He spoke.

"Sure." I grinned. I already have a wish in mind. He grabbed the basketball from the gym and we walked to the garden.

We started playing and he already score two basket while I had no luck.

"You've lost your touch in the years." He spoke passing me the ball.

"Don't underestimate me." I spoke and made my way to the basket. I almost scored when he jumped and the ball fell on the opposite side.

"Ah!" I exclaimed.

"It's no fun playing with you." He spoke. I picked the ball and hit him. He caught it and I ran towards him. He ran away and I tried to catch him.

He jumped and scored a basket.

"I won!" He exclaimed and I held my knees breathing heavily. He ran toward me.

"No!" I exclaimed as he picked me on his shoulder. "William!" I exclaimed and he laughed. He set me on the kitchen bar.

"So about my wish." He spoke and I glared at him. "Be my plus one for tomorrow's ball." He spoke.

"I'm grounded." I replied and walked past him. I entered the kitchen and grabbed a cold water bottle. He snatched it from me and drank.

"Don't you Italians have any manners!" I exclaimed. He raised an eyebrow at me. He smirked and I knew he was having some stupid idea. He looked at the bottle.

"No-Will. No. I'll sue you." I spoke and moved away from him.

"Try me." He spoke and splashed water on me. I grabbed another bottle and stared splashing on him. The kitchen was a mess.

"Kiddos!" Aunt Janet came in. She laughed at us.

"I spent an hour convincing your father that you are a grown up girl now but I walk in at you two acting like five year olds." 

"Will started it."

"You were the one who said Italians don't have manners." He snapped back.

"Stop you two. I talked to your Dad. You're punishment is over. You can go to college from Monday." She spoke.

"Really!" I exclaimed. She nodded and smiled.

"Thank you so much Aunt Janet!" I hugged her.

"You're welcome Pexie. But you two need to wash up. Asap." She spoke.

"Okay." I ran upstairs and Will chased me. I laughed and entered my room.

I bathed again and changed into some nice clothes. I dried my hairs. There was a knock on the door.

"Come in." I yelled and the door opened. Will walked in and sat on the couch. He looked fresh.

"So now you can go to the ball with me."

"Yeah. But only if you're buying me a dress."

"Sure. Come let's get you a dress." He stood up.

I combed my hairs.

"Give me a moment. I'll be down."

He nodded and walked out. I changed into a faded white sundress. I let my hairs down. I grabbed my phone and walked downstairs. I grabbed his arm and we walked out.

The driver drove us to the boutique.

"Should we match?" I asked.


The store lady greeted us. After two hours I picked a royal blue shiny ball gown.

The curtains opened and we both face each other. We were wearing matching clothes.

"You look bellissimo." He commented.

"Grazie." The ordered the dresses. We shopped for accessories.

"How about a movie night?" He asked.

"I'm not watching those horror movies with you." I replied sitting on the couch. He signalled to a maid to brought us water.

"No horror movies then. How about action?" He asked.

"Anything that doesn't have ghosts and zombies, will do." I replied drinking the water.

Beatrice walked in. She smiled at us.

"Hello Cousin William." She greeted.

"Ciao." He smiled. He gave her a hug.

"Are the others back as well?" He asked.

"They must be on their way. They are walking so they must be a little late." She replied.

"Excuse me. I'll change and come." She walked away. He turned to me.

"Are you two still on bad sides?" He asked.

"No. I quit being a cagna." I rolled my eyes.

"You still remember that. Hey it was a big mistake okay. I'm sorry for that." He replied. He once called me a cagna which means a bitch in Italian because I was being mean to Beatrice.

"Whatever. Are you still down for watching the movie?" I asked getting up.

"Yeah. Be in the theater by 9." He spoke. I was about to exit when Hercules walked in.


"Cugino!" They both greeted each other in Italian. I walked upstairs.

I changed into pjs. I sat on the bed and grabbed the jar of cookies. The door creaked and I looked up.

"Can I come in?" Aunt Janet asked.

"Sure. Have a seat." I stood up. She sat on the couch and I sat across her on the other one.

"You will spoil your dinner if you eat a lot of them." She looked at the jar.

"I was just having a little." I replied.

"You want some Aunt Janet? I made them." I spoke.

"You did? Let me taste one." She replied. I quickly handed her one. Even tho I didn't have a plate and it was so un ladylike she didn't say anything. She took a bite and I nervously looked at her.

"You bake just like your father." She spoke.


"Yeah. Your father used to bake for your mother. He had a lots of interest in baking."

I sat besides her.

"When they found out that they were having a girl they were so happy. I remember your father put on a big feast. Your brothers were little brats. They didn't want another sister. God knows why. I was happy that they'll finally disown that girl but they didn't." She spoke the last sentence angrily.

"Why do you hate her so much Aunt?" I asked.

She took a deep breath and looked at me.

"It's not the right time for you to know. You'll be the first person to know when the time comes." She spoke.

"Let's go down for dinner." She spoke and walked out. What is she hiding? Last life I didn't know anything like this. Seems like I'll just have to wait.


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