7. Second Step

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Chapter 8
Penelope Bonvalets

After classes I walked to my car. My eyes fell on the back tire that was deflated.

"Oh no." I looked around but the parking was empty. Maybe I have to hail a cab outside.

I walked to the gate. A motorbike passed me and I almost fell.

"Watch where you're going!" I exclaimed angrily. He stopped and looked at me across his shoulder. He drove towards me and stopped in front of me. I couldn't see his face because of the helmet.

"Did you say something?" He asked taking off his helmet. I remember him from the party. Sebastian.

"I told you to watch where you were going. I almost fell because of you." I spoke.

"Girls always do." He smirked and I was too speechless to say anything.

"Need a ride?" He asked.

"I'm good." I replied and started to walk. He moved and stopped his bike blocking my way.

"I can't let a pretty girl walk and hurt her legs in those heels." He glanced at my heels.

"I told you I'm good." I replied.

"Afraid I'll do something?" He asked and I gave him a look.

"I'm not."

"Then hop on." He spoke. I nervously looked at the backseat. I have never rode a bike and they are scary.

"Wait. You never rode a bike?" He asked and I nodded. He laughed and I just watched him.

"Be the girl who went for it." He spoke and I looked at him confused.

"That's a quote." He spoke. "Hop on Princess. Let me show what you're missing." He held out a hand.

"What do you get from this?"

"I get to spend time with a beautiful girl." He replied and I chuckled. I took his hand and hopped on behind him.

"Here put this on." He handed me the helmet.

"Then what about you?"

"I think my head is stronger than yours." He replied. I rolled my eyes and put on the helmet.

"Hold tight Princess." He spoke and the bike was in motion. I grabbed his leather jacket. My heart's beating fast and I'm nervous. I never thought this would feel so good. I closed my eyes and let the wind pass by me.

He stopped and I opened my eyes. He held out a hand for me to get off. I got off and looked around. I took off the helmet.

"This is not my home." I spoke.

"Well you didn't tell me where your home is." He replied getting off.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"Let me show you." He walked and I followed him. I can't believe I just followed a stranger to a unknown place.

"You can trust me Princess." He spoke glancing back at me.

"I'll be the judge of that." I replied and he nodded.

"And stop calling me Princess. I have a name and I prefer to be called by that." I spoke. We entered a restaurant.

"Have a seat." He spoke sitting across the table.

"Hey Seb. What can I get for you?" A waitress came smiling to us.

"Two hamburgers. With fries and coke." He replied looking at me.

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