23. Two day break

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Chapter 23
Penelope Bonvalets

"How am I going to climb up now?" I folded my arms and looked at him. He smirked and opened the trunk of the car. He pulled out a ladder.

"How did that even fit in there?"

"I have my ways Princess." He helped me get to the other side. He put the ladder to my balcony.

"Your ladder awaits." He smiled at me. I climbed two steps then turned to him.

"If you had a ladder then we could have used this to get down as well." I spoke. He grinned and winked at me. He took my hand and kissed on my knuckles.

"See you tomorrow night. Now if you climb up quickly I'll be able to leave. We don't want your brothers here." He spoke. I took back my hand and climbed upstairs. I looked down and he waved. I waved back. He hopped through the fence and turned to me. He blew me a kiss and I chuckled. He got in and drove off.

Next day I spent the whole day in my room watching dramas, dramas and more dramas. It's just so cute. But the American series are way too fast, if that was the case then probably me and Sebastian would be having a baby right now.

Wait. Where did that come from?

Sebastian shirtless.

No, stop.

Hovering over me.

I should stop my wild imaginations.

Kissing me on my lips, jaw, neck.

Stop, stop, stop.

His hands all over me.



I squeal into the pillow. I must be loosing my mind!

"What are you doing to me Sebastian!"

Yesterday was such a nice night. I was literally dancing all over my room.

I miss him more than I should, and it's worse than how I felt towards Adonis.

No, what if things end up like how it was with Adonis. I should not, no Penelope don't get too much used or obsessed with him.

I went down for dinner. The dinner was so silent only the clinking of spoons is audible. I wish Sebastian was here. He just makes everything better.

"Penelope." I looked up at dad.

"Where were you last night?" He asked and I dropped my spoon. Did someone see us last night?

"In my room." I replied. He raised an eyebrow.

"I was tired so I fell asleep earlier." I lied.

"What did you do to get so tired?" He asked. I picked my spoon.

"I was baking." I replied and he nodded.

"So how are the dry fruits I brought?" He asked eating.

"Nice. It turned out to be the best ones I've ever made." I replied.

"Why don't you serve us some?" Hercules spoke.

"I ate them all. They were so tasty I couldn't stop myself." I replied. No chance in hell you're getting to taste my cookies.

I walked back upstairs. The smell of pizza entered my nose. I locked the door and turned around.

"Quick the movie is about to start." He called. I hoped on the couch next to him.

"You really are making yourself at home. You have to stop sneaking into my room like this."

"You don't like having me here?"

"It's not that I don't like it. It's just too risky."

He opened the pizza box and handed me a beer can.

"I won't come tomorrow."

I looked at him.

"Hey I didn't mean to–" he laughed.

"It's not about what you said Princess. Just a two day break. Then I'll be back." He smiled.

"Two day break?"

"Yeah. I have some work." He replied.

We watched the movie while eating the pizza. Surprisingly I had space in my stomach after dinner. Quite a lot.

I was a bit tipsy and the kissing scene made the atmosphere hot. I bit my lips and glanced at Sebastian. He didn't seem bothered. He is leaning back on the sofa eating pizza and sipping beer. He looked quite handsome.

"Stop staring Princess." He spoke and I flinched. I looked at the screen and he chuckled.

The movie ended.

"Okay. See you two days later." He got up.

"Yeah." I smiled.

"Don't miss me too much." He kissed my forehead which caught me off guard. I fell back on the couch wide eyed. He picked the boxes and cans and dumped into a black bag.

"Send me off Princess." He held out a hand and I took it. We walked to the balcony. He jumped off and landed swiftly on the ground. He waved and I gave him a small wave. He jumped off the fence and drove off.

Why do I feel so — something. I went to sleep.

I woke up with a foul mood. I walked downstairs sighing.

"Can I have a coffee?" I asked.


I looked at him surprised.

"Will?" I exclaimed.

"Good morning Nell." He grinned. I hugged him and he hugged me back.

"What are you doing here!" I exclaimed pulling back.

"Pexie." I turned around and saw Aunt Janet.

"Aunt Janet!" I ran to her and hugged her.

"My little girl has grown so big." She smiled as I pulled back.

"You look so much like your mother now." She cupped my cheek. We sat down and William handed us the coffee mug.

"When did you two come?" I asked.

"An hour ago." Will replied.

"I'm so happy you two are here. Dad has grounded me for a month." I whined.

"A month? Your dad needs to be disciplined." Aunt Janet spoke and I chuckled.

My mom and Aunt Janet were best friends. Also she's Dad's sister.

"Come let's have breakfast." She got up.

"Yeah. Let me bath real quick." I ran upstairs. I took a quick bath.

Aunt Janet and Wiliam.

My only alliance.

They are just like me people who hate Beatrice and love me. Well William doesn't hate Beatrice but he always takes my side even when I'm wrong.

They visited me for attending her friend's son's debut. They died in a flight crash back to Italy. I would have survived if they were alive. This time I won't let them die. No, they won't die. We will all make it out alive.


Two new people. There's going to be some drama.
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