Bonus Chapter!

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"Are you ready yet?" Julia came in with a tray of cupcakes. Nex was making my hair. "We'll be there in a minute." Nex replied. "Quick girls!" She exclaimed and left. My hands are shaking a bit.
"You are more nervous than I was." She chuckled. "What are you expecting?" She asked finishing up my hairs. I looked at her through the mirrior.

"A girl? A boy? I don't know. Sebastian wishes it to be a girl. What if it's a boy?" I replied standing up. She rolled her eyes. "He also said that he's fine with a boy. He'd be more than happy Pen." She replied. I smiled at her.

I looked at myself in the mirrior. My baby bump is showing more in the white empire waist dress I was wearing. It's been two months since Sebastian's birthday. Today is the gender reveal. For some reason I'm nervous.

The door opened and Sebastian walked in. "You look beautiful." He pecked me. "I'll see you downstairs." Nex walked out. "Don't stree Princess." He held my face. "What if–" "Shh.. I'll be the happiest man on earth whether it's a boy or a girl. You being my child's mother is the most important thing. I'll love you and the baby with my everything." He replied.

Tears formed in my eyes. Pregnancy really made me emotional. "Don't cry Princess." He hugged me. "I'm so lucky to have you." I hugged him tightly. "I don't want to fight about it now." He spoke and we chuckled.

We walked downstairs. Sebastian had brought us a new house. More like a mansion. He's planning on having atleast eight children. I was surprised at his wish. Everyone was in the garden. Will and Ana couldn't make it but he promised to visit soon.

We entered the garden. It was full of pink and blue ribbons and balloons. Kids ran around holding balloons and ribbons.


A big banner was but with bold words written on it. I was getting more nervous. I held Sebastian's hand tightly.
"I'm here." He whispered and smiled. I nodded taking a deep breath.

"Let's start everyone." Steven clapped his hands gaining everyone's attention.

I was curious about what game they had prepared for us. That's how we found out everyone's baby's gender.

"So the task is only for Sebastian here." Hercules spoke. "We don't want our little sister to work." Derek wrapped a hand around my shoulder. "Okay. What's it?" Sebastian asked.

"You have to–" Dan spoke rising the curiosity. "Tell it already!" I exclaimed and they laughed. "Fine fine. Bring it in." He spoke. Xavier and Albert brought in a table full of cupcakes cakes of pink and blue color.

"Seb you have to eat each of the cake. One cake has a box that has your baby's gender." Dan replied. "All?" Sebastian asked surprised. He doesn't like sweets much. There were about twelve cakes.

"Can I help him?" I asked. "No. That's the twist." Hercules smirked. "Fine. Wish me luck." Sebastian kissed me before walking to the table. He picked one cake and ate it.

"Nope!" Derek explained and we all let a dissapointed sigh. He picked a blue one and we all waited for him to finish it. "Neither." Steven spoke. He ate two more cakes. "Why are these so sweet?" He complained after eating four of them. "The sweetest thing you've ever had?" Xavier smirked. "Nope. My wife is still the sweetest." He replied. "Sebastian!" I blushed and covered my face. The other teased.

He ate three more. "Can't we just wait for other 4 months princess?" He asked. "No. Please!" I showed him a cute face. "You should remember Daddy's struggles baby." He kissed my stomach before eating more.

"I FOUND IT!" He exclaimed. He looked really happy. My breathing stopped. I was really nervous. He brought me the box. It was like a ring box. "Open it." Everyone spoke. I took a deep breath and opened the box.

I blinked as I found a key. Sebastian peeped in. "Where's the gender mate?" He yelled at Daniel. "Calm down. Open this and you'll find out." He moved and our eyes fell on a big box. I took the key and walked to the box.

"I swear I'll lose my patience if this isn't it." Sebastian warned and Daniel raised his hands in the air. I stopped. "What's wrong?" Sebastian asked. I turned to Julia and Daniel. "I want you two to open it." I spoke and they looked surprised. "Us?" They asked and I nodded. Sebastian wrapped his hand around me. "Yeah. You are our child's God parents." Sebastian spoke.

Julia hugged me with tears. "It's our pleasure." Dan replied hugging Sebastian. I handed Julia the key. Sebastian held me close as they opened it.

A ribbon flew up with bold letters.
"IT'S A PRINCESS!" Pink balloons flew out of the box. "It's a girl!" We exclaimed. Sebastian hugged me as I cried. Everyone congratulated us with hugs.

"We are having a sister!" The kids exclaimed and danced on their own.

"I love you Princess." Sebastian kissed me. "Looks like she will not be your princess anymore." Xavier spoke. "Your princess is in her tummy." Albert laughed.

"Yeah. She's my Reina." He kissed my temple. "My one and only forever."


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