16. I'm not drinking again

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Chapter 16
Penelope Bonvalets

I woke up and my head hurts a bit. I looked around and remembered that I'm in Julia's room. I saw her sleeping peacefully besides me. I stretched and checked the time. It was almost 4.

I got off the bed and walked to the door which I assumed to be a washroom. I locked the door and walked to the sink. I looked wasted. I washed my face and came out. My phone buzzed and I walked to the nightstand to grab it.

It was Hercules. I answered the call.
"Where are you?"

"I'm with Julia."

"Did you just wake up?"

"Yes. I'll be home soon." I hung up.

I looked for my clothes that I wore last night. I couldn't find them. Maybe she put them to wash. I'll collect it later. I grabbed my wallet and keys. I walked out. It wasn't my first time here. It looks as messy as always.

No one was around so I just walked to my car. I drove back home. I walked to my room and took a shower. I walked down to eat something.

"You're back." I turned and saw the three of them sitting in the living room.

Suddenly a familiar image flashed in my mind.

I slowly opened the door and walked in.

"Why are you so late?" I flinched as the lights turned on. I turned to my three brothers sitting in the living room.

"What the hell are you wearing?" Steven asked.

"You were out like that?" Derek asked.

"Why do you care?" I crossed my arms against my chest.

"Are you drunk?" Steven came to me.

"I am?" 

"Where did you go?" Derek asked.

"A Party. It was so fun!" I exclaimed grinning.

"Disgusting." Hercules stood up and walked away. I chuckled and shook my head.

I looked at my two brothers.

"You two must think that too."

"You all like to look down on me and bully me. Why did you stop. Go on taunt me. Why are you silent." I cried.

"What have I done wrong? Ain't I also your sister? Why do you all hate me so much!" I cried.

"I didn't kill mom! How is it my fault! I also wanted to be with her. I also miss her. You all at least got to know her but I didn't even get to be embraced by her!" I cried.

"Argh!" I held my head in pain.

"Are you alright?" Hercules came to me. The pain went away. I blinked a few times before finally looking at them. They were around me.

I can't believe I told them all that.

"Penelope." He called.

"Nothing. I'm fine." I replied and moved away from them.

"Get ready. We'll leave at 7." Hercules spoke. I almost forgot about the dinner. I nodded and walked to the kitchen. He walked upstairs.

"Where are you going?" Derek asked.


"The two of you?" Steven asked and I nodded.

"Shall we join?" Derek asked.

I looked at them. "We're free today." Steven spoke and looked at Derek.

"Yeah." Derek spoke hesitantly.

"Okay." I replied and they both grinned.

"See you at 7." They walked away. Marie made me something to eat. I walked to the garden for some fresh air.

My phone buzzed and I picked it up.

"Where are you?" Nexie asked.

"Home." I replied. She smirked.

"Did you get laid last night?" She asked. My eyes went wide and looked around checking whether someone heard her.

"Shut up!" I whispered.

"You don't have to be shy with me." She winked.

"Nothing happened." I replied.

"I gotta go now. I have dinner plans." I replied.

"Is that a date? Who are you going with?" She asked.

"My brothers." I replied.

"You're so lucky. They all are smoking hot." She rolled on her bed.


"Don't forget my concert tonight. I'll he waiting for you!"

"I can never forget that. I'll be there for you!"

"Yeah! Bye. Love ya." She blew a kiss and I did the same.

Thinking about last night I don't remember anything. Wait. I don't remember anything. I sat on the bench holding my head.

Sebastian came.

We danced.

Then I said something and he pulled me to a corner.

Then he took me home.

His room.

My cheeks became red as I remembered that he helped me to change my clothes. We even shared a bed!

Then I woke up to an empty bed. I came upstairs and found Julia in the kitchen. Then we drove to their house.

God this is so embarrassing! What did I even say to him?

"Remember Penelope remember!" I walked around hitting my head.

'Kiss me.'

I almost fell on the ground as I remembered everything. Did I–did I really say that?

I must probably be possessed by something, I could never do that.

But it felt good. Too good that I don't want to agree that.

His warm, big hands.

Muscular, hard body.

Heavens! What the hell is wrong with me!

How am I ever going so face him again. And god the rumors I've heard. I shouldn't judge him by the rumours but what about the photos and videos of him that Nixie showed me. They weren't leaving any good impression.

"Argh!" I pulled on my hairs. What do I do! If I tell the others they would tease me and make fun of me. Better to just pretend I don't remember anything. And yeah I'm not drinking ever again!


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