Those eyes

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The night was like all other nights. Sasha could tell winter was coming because the air felt colder than usual. That means food supplies would be low for a couple of months. Sasha would have to use her suppler for the next few months. Sasha was out looking to feed so she could see her again. The question was, where could she find her. Sasha has had this pull  before but couldn't put her finger on it yet. Sasha thought back to when she first came across the girl that had clouded her mind. "Earth to Sasha, what is wrong with you?" Becky asked. "There is a scent calling me, and it's driving me crazy," Sasha said. "You did feed before you left your place?" Becky asked. "Yes, the scent keeps calling to me. I'm not sure what it is." Sasha said.

"Just be careful; you don't want anyone to find out what we are," Becky said. "I know that; it's just weird. I've never in my long life been drawn to a scent this strong before." Sasha said. "We'll just be careful, and you don't want to bring unwanted attention to yourself," Becky said. Sasha knew all this already and didn't like to be reminded. Sasha said goodbye to Becky and headed to her math class. Sasha sat down in her usual seat in the back. No one ever sat in the back until today. A girl with brown hair up in a ponytail walked into class with her head down. She headed to the back of the course to take her seat. There was only one open seat, and it was next to me. Sasha realized she had the scent haunting her since she walked into the building. Sasha looked over to the girl sitting next to her, and at the same time, the girl looked up. Sasha got lost in the girl's milk chocolate brown eyes.

Sasha's mind was racing, and she could feel this strong pull to her. Not only did she want to taste her blood, but she also wanted to do so much more with her. Sasha moved her desk closer to the girl's desk. Sasha took a deep breath before speaking to the girl. "Hello, my name is Sasha Banks. What is yours?" Sasha asked. Before the girl could answer, Alex Bliss charmed in, "She doesn't talk to anyone and if anyone that tries to be friends with her disappears." Alex said, laughing. "I don't think I was asking you, Bliss. So, I suggest you turn your ass around and mind your own business." Sasha snarled. Alex's laughter faded, and she did what Sasha told her to do. Sasha watched the girl put her head down for the rest of the class. Sasha couldn't stop watching the girl next to her. Sasha reached out and touched the girl's leg, and an instant shock wave went up to her arm. Sasha wanted to be closer to her and never let her go.

Sasha has never had this type of experience before except one time a few years back when she meets a little girl with brown eyes. No one else has ever pulled her in as this girl has done before. Sasha got lost in her thoughts about taking this girl to a private location to be with her. The girl wouldn't make any sound, and she could do what she wanted to do to her. The bell rang and brought Sasha out of her daydream. When she looked over, the girl was already gone. Sasha got into her hunting mood and smelled the air for the girl's scent. She followed her perfume through the school. Sasha thought of ways to get the girl on her own. Could she get her alone without anyone noticing was the question?

Sasha thought she would want to sink her teeth into the girl, but all she wanted to do was kiss her. Sasha found that the girl was in her next class and once again seated next to her, bringing a smile to her face. Sasha was determined to get the girl to notice her. Sasha was thankful that Bliss wasn't in this class. Sasha once again moved her desk and chair close to this girl. The girl never looked her way. Then Sasha heard something "could she be the one I've been looking for? But it's been a long time, and I'm much older now. Could she be my mate? I have this strong pull to her, and I believe I've imprinted on her." Sasha looked around to see who had said that, but no one was talking. Sasha decided to write a note and see if the girl would write back.

"Hello again?" Sasha wrote on the note. Sasha placed the message on the girl's desk. Sasha noticed the girl look at the letter. Sasha hoped that she would write something back. "Ms. Banks, do you have the answer to the question?" The teacher asked. "The answer is 1941," Sasha said. "You're correct, like always. I would say you are a walking history book." The teacher said. Sasha knew the teacher wouldn't ask her another question. Sasha looked down to see her note was back on her desk. Sasha noticed all the letters and said was Hi. Sasha wrote, "what is your name?" Sasha wrote and hoped she would write back.

Sasha looked back up front so the teacher wouldn't notice she was passing notes. Sasha didn't need to keep up with the class because she had already taken this type of class before. The bell rang, and the girl left without telling Sasha what her name was. Sasha kept an eye on the girl all day, and when she thought she had a chance to get her alone, another girl walked up to her. Sasha watched the girl name Charlotte hug the girl. Sasha didn't like it and wanted to rip Charlotte's arm off. A few minutes later, a car pulled up, and the girl got in. Sasha noticed the girl was looking at her before she got in. "Could she be the one? If she is, would she want me back?" Sasha heard the voice again.

Hey, Sasha, usually you are gone for the rest of the day?" Becky asked. "I was following the scent that was driving me crazy. Do you know who she is?" Sasha asked, pulling out her phone. "That's Bayley Martinez, the daughter of the big mob boss in town. I heard she doesn't talk much and that as punishment, her dad cut her tongue out." Becky said. "Are you lying to me about the last part?" Sasha asked. "No, that's what everyone around here said, especially Bliss telling everyone that story. The person to ask would be Charlotte. I heard she is the only one that Bayley talks to." Becky said.

"Well, I'll need you to ask her for me. I don't care for her too much, and I think the feeling is the same." Sasha said. "Hold on; I'll be right back," Becky said. Sasha didn't see where Becky went and only had to wait about 5 minutes before Becky returned. "Charlotte said Bayley only talks to people she knows and trust. She still has her tongue despite what Bliss says. Bayley hasn't spoken much since her mom died a few years ago." Becky said. Sasha thanked Becky for the information. "Do you know anything else about Bayley?" Sasha asked. "No, not much, I see her around, but I never talk to her. Bayley keeps to herself and tries to avoid those who pick on her like Bliss." Becky said. Sasha thanked Becky before leaving school for the day. Sasha wanted to go and find her prize. Sasha wasn't sure where to start to see the girl, but Sasha was ready for the hunt.

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