Chapter One

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      "Now summer is all ahead of you, but before I let you go I want you to know about the summer extra credit reading."
      Our English class let out a groan as Mr. Porter kept rambling on about the extra credit we would get.
      Lexi turned around in her seat, and rolled her eyes dramatically at me.
     I smiled at my best friend. I knew just what she was thinking, like seriously it's the last day of school and Mr. Porter wants to give us extra credit reading for the summer. He does know it's summer and we want to have fun right? I tucked my blond hair behind my ears and not really paying attention to Mr. Porter I started to doodle on my notebook when a paper airplane hit me in my back.
     I turned around to glare at who ever hit me, when I saw that the person who threw it was my other friend Anthony he grinned at me from the back of the class where he sat twirling a pencil between his fingers. I picked up his airplane and opened it. I glanced down and smiled at his chicken scratch hand writing.
       If only Mr. Porter knew nobody cares about the extra credit assignment and that he's making the class fall asleep.
        I looked up at Anthony to see him pretending to sleep and stifled a giggle.
        Mr. Porter crossed his arms, "Something funny about William Shakespeare Miss Blade?"
      I twirled around in my seat startled, "No sir, Romeo and Juilet is one of my favorite stories 'Romeo...Romeo... Where art thou Romeo' " I quoted making the whole class laugh.  
       Mr. Porter shook his head, "Yes Romeo and Juilet is one of of his greatest, but we were talking about his poem A Fairy Song."
       Crap I thought as I sunk down in my chair.
       "Let's continued." Mr. Porter cleared his throat.
      I tried to focus on Mr. Porters words from then on, not wanting Lexi or Anthony to distracted me. I smiled thinking of my two favorite people to be with. I met Lexi in freshman year at Harrison High School. She had just moved here from Puerto Rico with her mom and brother. She had beautiful smooth skin that was always tan, and long silky curly black hair that right now she had up in a bun. We became best friends instantly talking between classes and after school. We hung out as much as we could. Her house became a second home to me. Then I met her family and that's how I met Anthony. Anthony was Lexi's twin brother. He was taller 6'2'' to be exact and skinny with the same jet black hair as Lexi that curled in little waves on top. His skin was darker and he looked more Puerto Rican than Lexi who a lot of times could pass as a white girl though if you said that to her face she would kill you.
      Anthony also had the same soft brown eyes as Lexi though he had to wear black square glasses in class and while driving because he couldn't see far away. They also shared the same thin nose. Even though they looked similar they had totally different personalities and  their faces where shaped different. Anthony had a long slender face whereas Lexi's was round and fuller. Lexi liked to shop and do fun things, but Anthony would prefer to hide in his room going out only to eat, work, do things for his mom, or sometimes he'll go out with friends and do stuff.
      Some people found it strange that I was close with my best friend and her brother as well. It raised a lot of questions especially from other girls at school who saw us together they would always ask stupid questions like "Are you and Anthony a couple?!"
"How does that work with you and him with Lexi being your BFF?"
"You two look so cute together you have to be dating right?"
"Omg Anthony Baez is like Sooo cute! You totally have kissed him right?!"
     I just shook off their questions and told them to their boy crazy faces that no Anthony and I have never kissed and we aren't dating! He's one of my closest friends besides Lexi who was my number one best friend. Anthony and I being together romantically would just be too weird. Anthony was nothing more than a friend to me and he felt the same. They would usually sigh then "You're so lucky, he's so hot!" It was like they didn't hear a word I said about us being 'just friends'.
     Finally the bell rang singling the end of class and for that matter the end of the school year. I stuffed my notebook and pens in my black and pink backpack and slung it on my shoulder. Looking around I tried to spot Lexi but I didn't see her in the class room; figuring she had already left for her locker I made my way towards the door. 
      My best friend tackled me as soon as I stepped out into the hallway. She jumped on my back throwing her arms around my neck she gave me a tight hug that almost sending me sprawling out on the floor. "Oh my goodness Mr. Porter does know that school doesn't go during the summer right? I mean who would even think of doing extra credit during the summer!"
        I laughed and we headed towards our lockers.
        Lexi clapped her hands together, "So this afternoon, what are you doing?"
       I paused to unlock my locker, "Ummm nothing that I know of." I said swinging my locker open. I groaned as I saw all my books, extra jacket, candy, and other odds and ends I kept in my locker. "I don't understand why we have to empty our lockers the last day of class. We're coming back in the three months why can't we just leave our stuff here and have the same locker this fall?"
        Lexi grabbed a handful of stuff from her locker and stuffed it in her book bag, "Your guess is as good as mine, girl. So this afternoon want to come over and hang out?"
       "Absolutely! I need something fun to do after cleaning out this locker." I said pulling out a package of bubble gum that I forgot I had. The package was squished and the gum had all melted together.
      "Eww!" Lexi said with a laugh.
      We finished clearing out our lockers and with heavy a backpack and book bag in hand we walked down the busy school hallway as other kids emptied their lockers or talked to their friends.
     Lexi hooked her arm through mine as we walked, "Julia, can  you believe next time we walk down these halls we'll be seniors?"
       "Where has the time gone." I said with a smile, "It seems like just yesterday I was a freshman and this strange girl with crazy black hair kept walking up and talking to me." I teased elbowing her gently.
       She laughed, "My hair was crazy wasn't it?"
       "Absolutely! but I love your curls and I'm jealous of them"
        "Now you're the crazy one your blond straight hair is beautiful, but back to the senior topic!"
       "I know! I can't believe it either! Pretty soon it'll be prom, graduation, and then we'll be college girls." I said with a smile feeling the excitement already. I couldn't wait to start college. I wanted to be a vet and planned on getting into vet school for a eight year degree.
      "We're going to rock this summer! And next school year!" Lexi cheered as we stepped out into the hot afternoon the warmth of the sun shining down on us, "Oh and by the way we're getting you a guy this summer."
       I laughed, "Who says I even want a boyfriend right now?"
       "You've clearly showed this whole junior year that you didn't want one, but sweetie you can't keep turning down all the guys in our class."
     I shrugged, "Sure I can, they can just get used to the disappointment of me say no. My friends are more important to me than a guy you know that Lexi."
      "And I love you for treating me and Anthony the way you do, you're the best, but seriously girl you got to put yourself out there!"
       "Speaking of Anthony... Where is he?" I asked ignoring her comment of me putting myself out there. Yes I turned down every junior that asked me out this school year, I even turned down some seniors. Being in a relationship was just not something I was interested in. I had Lexi and Anthony to hang out with and that was enough for me. Besides that I was trying to stay focus on my school and having a boyfriend would just get in the way of it all.

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