- Ocean Deep -

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It feels like I'm in the deepest part of the ocean.

It's dark.

In a small box, my body is suffocating.

The weight of emptiness weighs me down. Im drowning.

I can't breathe
I can't breathe
I can't...

Except, when I drown in my own rage and sadness, I wake up, I'm "revived".

Over and over again I drown, chained to the depths of the ocean.

No matter how hard i scream, no matter how hard I try to escape and swim to the top, I just keep drowning in my own rage.

For eternity, I drown and relive, drown and relive in my own desolation.




That's what it feels like, the never escaping emptiness. These monsters did it, they massacured my family, they shed blood across the entire world. It's all their fault.. and I can never forgive them for that.

I can never forgive.

"Do it NOW!" I yell as Killua zaps the water below, turning it into a pool of death for anyone that makes even the slightest contact with.

The electricity travels up Hisoka's spine forcing him to seize in place.

Somethings not right. He's definitely not using his full potential. It's apparent, yet he's holding back. Why?

Is he letting us throw him around?
What is he stalling for???

His body halts with a slight magenta glow hugging at his hips. Not the inviting, friendly magenta .. but a bloodthirsty, raging color, leaving a murderous aftertaste. He stood taller, his shadow swallowing up the entire room. Is he.. trying to communicate something?

What's he plotting?!

How is he not wounded in the slightest bit?!!

Dam*n Hisoka!
How are we going to get out of this mess?


Suddenly, it hit me.

Blood dressed me tightly, radiating it's beautiful, retched color.

We cant...
We can't beat them.

At least not yet.

4 against a bracket of 13 highly skilled nen users. This is absolutely ridiculous! 

We need to build our skills first, what were we thinking?!

We can't -

Suddenly we all make eye contact realizing the same thing.

We can't defeat them yet. This might be harder than we thought.

We all nod, ready for escape.




I yell running, Kurapika, Gon, Killua, and Leorio following.

"Leaving so soon?~" Hisoka hums.

You could feel the atmosphere of the members tighten. They're on guard, we have to watch our backs.

"Don't bother, she'll die without the antidote soon." A black haired member pointed out.

There was a buzz to her voice, it was almost haunting. 
She's... right.
We can't leave.

I'll die!

Suddenly heat flashes shot me with its daggers.


The feeling of my body being weighed down appeared as I...

Spiders crawled in my brain, squirming and hatching it's eggs.

This feeling again.

"K-Kuapika!" I yell, curling to the floor.

Another feeling.

Feelings of hot poison stabbing in my throat screamed.







There it goes again.

It hurts so bad.

The black film seeps over my eyes, blinding me with the spiders poison.


I'm in a hot pool of Lava, sqourching and squirming.

I try to scream.

I can't

I can't scream.

I can't breathe.

I can't see.

My body begins to seize in panick.






Where are you?

I'm alone.

I'm scared.

The lava eats at my flesh, biting away my life.

It stings.

It burns.

I want to scream so bad..

"Breathe, I'm right here. I promised you didn't I? I'm right here, I know it hurts." Kurapika's voice echoes through the lava.


Tears fall down my eyes, evaporated by the heat.

I feel spiders hatching in my brain as i claw at my head.

Stop... stop... please.... stop .... stop. stop. stop. STOP. STOP. STOP


I wake up to a warm embrace.

"Y/n.. You're okay, please breathe through this."


"This is another side affect, with most probability. You'll manage it with ease, because your Y/n.. my Y/n."

My tears stream.

So that dream was a side affect.

"Thank you."

I say, gripping onto his arms wrapped around me.

His sweet smell casts a calming spell over my body.

"We gave you the antidote Y/n, that was your body fighting the last deposit of this illness." Kurapika says sitting up.

His lips part as he see's my sleeping figure.

He leans, gently pecking my lips.

"Rest well Y/n." He says walking out the room

A smile curls from my lips as I fall into a deep sleep.

I'm so extreamly devoted to that broken human it's insane.

Lonely  ChainsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang