- It isn't the end? -

443 13 10

Does Kurapika know something we don't?

I slid my head through door entry way to be greeted by Kurapika, still reading with his legs propped up.

ha, there's most definently something going on.

Whenever hes stressed or has something hovering over his mind, he always reads like crazy, not coming up for a breath.

Somethings wrong.

He knows something.

"Kurapikaa~" I hum, trying to get his attention.

Still eyes glued to the shrewd words of the book, he responds,


I tap towords his bed and flop down next to him.

"Tired?" He asks, finally taking his eyes  off the marveled words and turning in my direction next to his propped up body.

He lets out a tired smile, pulling my body closer to his.

"MmmmHm!" I say, throwing a leg around his upper leg.

Muffled sounds of Leorio brawling with his studies traveled through the wall making us share a chuckle.

"That old geezer." I laugh closing my eyes, forgetting what I came to his room for.

Forgetting what trouble leaked around the corner.

That's one of the things I admire most about him, he has this power to calm me in any situation.

I doze off in Kurapika's embrace with all worries flighting from my body, at least for a moment.

*Bang Bang bang!!*

"Wake Up you two!!! I'm hungry Y/n, can you make lunch?? Y/nnnn~~" Leorio whined.

"You should let them rest Leorio, i think it's a good Idea!" Gon's voice follows.

I snort awake, sitting up with great speed.

"Huh?? what?? Who??.... oh, it's just you. Go away i'm tired!" I swat them away.

Leorio rolls his eyes and walk away mumbling, "fine i'll make my own dam*n food!! I don't need your help!"

"Yes you do Leorio, You'll burn down the kitchen."

"How did you hear me?!?!"

*Killua's POV (point of view)*

There's definently something going on.

I can't tell yet but it's something serious alright.

Kurapika has been off these past couple of days.

"Hey Killua!" Gon says exitedly, coming from around the corner seemingly to tell me something.

"Gon" I smile.

Gon then comes and sits next to me, but this time furrowing his eyebrows in  deep thought.

"Hey Killua, don't you think somethings off with Kurapika, like he's hiding something. I dunno it's weird!"

So it's not just me.

"Yeah, definently something."

*Switch to Kurapika's POV (point of view)*

I wonder how much longer i have to cloak this information.

I'd like to keep this a secret for as long as currently possible. I Don't want to stress Y/n.

It will be severly dangerous to consider, however it's fundimental to keep Y/n alive. I'm not loosing the newly discovered, remaining Kurta member other than myself, the person that understands me, the person I love.

It's unacceptable to not take this risk.

Now, it's a matter of how we will do this.

Water pours smoothly into the fair glass, swirling evenly.

I take a sip, examining the room.

When... we should prepare soon, it's only a matter of time until-

"Kurapika." Y/n says walking in with that bright smile I cherished.

I gently return the smile bringing the cup to my lips.

"Y/n." I let out, not to hyper.. but perhaps enough to tell her i'm glad she's here.

"I have something to tell you"

It's time.

Authors note: I'm soooooo sorry this chapter is short again!! Fogive me fellow iditos *cries* Love you all stay tuned!

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