- Blue Air -

548 16 37

A week went by, settling and recovering quietly.

It was nice, how quiet it was, not many problems.

Myself started to slowly come back, I thought i'd never see the day or even experience those thoughts of finding myself again.

We had all went to Visit Gon and Killua at his aunts house for awhile, that's where were walking to now.

"Aunt Mito!!" Gon yells exitedly, jumping into her welcoming embrace.

The Aroma of freshly homemade food swirled and swung around us, giving us a comforting hug.

"Aunt Mito, that smells great." Kurapika said with sweet intentions, not to uppety but his tone and pitch made you know he was truly genuine.

I smile and  give Aunt Mito a sweet hug. It was something about this enviornment, Gon's house is comforting. We all walk in and sit at the table as the smells get stronger. Mito always outdoes herself, shes amazing at cooking just the right thing.

Killua and Gon shovel the food in their mouths, laughing and talking with chipmunk cheeks. 

"You are going to choke!" I say poking Killua's cheek full of food as he flicks my hand away and shovels another spoonful of rice.

I roll my eyes and grab seconds.

I turn my head to see Kurapika neatly eating, enjoying the sweet wind that blew gently into the kitchen. I blush seeing his oh so familiar golden hair, gently blow alongside the winds properties. His side profile and facial structor is perfect, the lighting made his skin glow effortlessly. If I'm being completely honest.... he's the most beautiful being iv'e ever seen in all the 19 years of my life.

He turned his head to my direction, catching my stare. Oops.

He smiled and returned eating.

Did I make it awkward?

Way to go Y/n.

After we ate, Gon was eager to show us a spot he had found exploring when he was 10, 2 years ago.

Me, Leorio, Gon, Killua, and Kurapika all hiked for what seems miles.

We reached a steep mountain like hill.

The air was moist and refreshing, the plant and wildlife was filled with saturated colors and danced with the wind. 

Stray water dropplets fell on our faces.

A peach haze from the sunset laid a thin layer of it's gorgeous and unique color all over the waterfall that spewed fresh water.

"Were here guys!" Gon says taking off his shirt.

"Gon, what are you doing??" I ask confused.

"Having fun!"

He jumped into the water, giggling.

"Come on Killua!" Gon yells as Killua joins him leaving me and Kurapika smiling at their friendship.

" Whatcha waiting for?" Leorio says, stripping off his shirt, jumping in.

Nope nope nope, not me. I'm afraid of deep water nuh UH.

"Hell no!" I spit at Leorio.

All of a sudden big hands lapsed onto my ankles puling me into the water.


"Leorio!!" I say squirming in the water, flinging my arms to punch him.

Leorio laughs and splashes water into my face.

This bit*ch

Kurapika lets out a soft smile and rolls up his pants, dipping his feet into the water. He fliches at how cold it is but relaxes and leans his head back and closes his eyes.

I blush again at how gorgeous he looks with the sun setting behind him.

The audacity that man has, looking so attractive for no reason.

I huff and turn around, relaxing a little and enjoys myself.

The unique Koi fish swam all around us, tickling our feet and legs.

This... is great!

*A few hours later*

Me and Kurapika sit at a grassy ledge next to the water fall watching the boys bicker and play below us. Leorio did head back thirty minutes earlier to study though.

A long silence occured as i examined his face. His grey eyes complimented the scenery, His cheeks and bridge of his nose were lightly red. He looked like he wanted to say something but didn't know how to say it.

"Did you... Did you mean what you said?"

What I said..

I smile and grab his hands, making eye contact with him

we sit, staring at each other sweetly as I lean in and......


(Make sure you comment and voOOoOOte please :)))

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