- People to live for -

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"Shut up!!"

"Oho, look, the old hag is talking!"

"Killua, I said shut up!!! I'm 19!! *gloom*"

"Are you sure, doesn't look like it to me."


Just another day, yet it feels strange.

"Oh, Y/n. I didn't know you were here T-T."

Just another day... yet....

"Oh so the old hag was looking forward to seeing his dear friend~"

It feels...


Like a change of events is lurking near. 

It's an uneasy feeling. This always happens, in the middle of abyss, I feel..

Needles it felt like,  picked and tickled at my skin, running a shock down my spine.

That's when I realized,

The Phantom Troupe.



Those ruthless monsters.

Whats the deal anyways!!! It's not that impor-

" I killed one of their troupe members"

That's right.

So they aren't heartless bastards after all.

They are seeking for revenge.

I should've known better.

They won't put a rest to it will they....

No, yes. They know when and how to prioritize... though based off the number of people in the troupe... at least one, will have a stubborn outlook. Most likely the closest one to "Uvogin". It's natural to have conflict among a large group like that.

In some cuircumstances, it's a recipe for disaster.

" Ngh! Please! I don't have any information!! I cant-" screams. At some point, my screams drifted off into a cloudy lake of darkness. It was engulfed in my blood and tears I coudl'nt hear anymore. The pitch, the pain, the suffering. All for Kurapika... All for Kurapika. They tear and yank at my weak body. Ripping, blood, cries. "Pl-please! I don't know anything... let me free." 

I don't want to have to face them again but... this time.

We won't let them through.


I stare up, at the twinkling stars, that sung that familiar symphony together.

Somehow, I wish to be up in the starts with my mother, but...

I have people I want to live for.

" I love you"

"yeah yeah! Get a grip, are you a baby or something?"

"You can rely on me too, you know!!!"

"Whoah! You're awesome Y/n!!"

I have people I want to live for.

Do I tell them? Or do I face it alone.

I can't decide whether I should bring them into this mess again.

This would be our 3rd time dealing with the spiders fangs.

I would if i could but... I don't think I can do this on my own.

I don't think I can look in the eye of the spider and truthfully say I can annialate them on my own.

Not like Kurapika, I don't have a unique ability like that, I don't have an ability for the soul of revenge.

Hate to admit it but, deep down maybe I do envy the ability Kurapika has. 

Though I have always felt as if my ability hasn't reached it's textority yet... like its missing something. 

I might need to figure that out before anything, to make myself stronger, for the upcoming events.

I'm going off just instinct but, I seriously think this time around, it might be detrimental.

It's not ideal for them too, As time goes the more information we learn, the more likely we can defeat them.

"Hello? Kurapika?"


"I have something to tell you..."


"Yes, It's urgent. I'm in the living room."

I don't know why but.... I'm scared.

I'm scared out of my boots.

What if I have to...

" If you don't speak, I'll kill you," The shorter man said walking closer, revealing a sharp knife as it glittered in the blinking lights. "Like this." He raised his arms and..... stabbed my leg, wrenching and twisting the knife in the meat of my leg, taunting me. I threw up, screaming for my dam*n life, hopeless, laying helplessly.

Endure that again...


He's here.

" Kurapika.." I let out, holding back the shake in my voice.

I brush the place where my missing ear was.

I felt the ridges and bumps grace my finger, making me jump.

I guess I never paid any attention to my wounds.


I guess that haunts me even more.

I'm scared... I cant stop shaking, but I have to be strong.


I knew he'd pick it up right away, or maybe I'm bad at hiding emotions.

The room was flat, air conditioning running down my back.

It was quiet, just Kurapika sitting beside me.

My fingers begin to shake.

Not now... I'm trying no to-

"The Phantom troupe."

"Is it the Phantom troupe?"

Lonely  Chainsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें