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*Read the last paragragh of the chapter "Sweet dough" If you want to catch up!*

Recently, Kurapika has been getting more and more waves of depression after we decided to date.

I'm worried..

I run my fingers along the spine of the book, DinoHunter, trying to understand him to a deeper extent.

Iv'e never had trouble understanding him, we've gone through the same things, we've had the same times, we have the same memorys.... so why...

Suddenly Leorio walks in , interupting my train of thought.

"Hey Y/n! ... Kurapika is having another wave. Go give him support, lately your the only one that can calm him down."

I am aren't I.

*Kurapika's POV (Point of view)*

Blood, screams, despair. I lay, limp. I feel... numb. Theres no one left... no one to save me... no one who'll call my name.... no one is here.

I begin to shake.

.... Recently, the pain of loosing so much, hardened deeper around my heart.


Suddenly Y/n's beautiful smile appears peacefully in my busy mind.


Ah.... I get it now.

"Kurapika!" Y/n said behind my dejected body.

I lift my hanging head up, to be welcomed by Y/n bright smile that always made my heart skip a beat, from the moment we accuanted.

I didn't pronounce a word, yet she knew exactly what was wrong and slid her feet to then sit next to me.


She reached her hand out and placed them on my face, then pulled into the direction of hers, staring passionatly into my grey eyes.

Her eyes..

They swirled with deep e/c pigment, they are so beautiful... how can someone be so beautiful?

(AawwwWWW KurapikaAAAA *wipes tears* Hope your geeking out with me ya'll)

Just by being by her side, just my heart beating steadly with hers.. it's something that is able to cool me down, like no other. I'll cherish that for as long as I breathe.

I lay my head on her soft shoulder, taking in a sharp breathe.

It's okay now that she's here,

It's okay.

"Kurapika." She hums.


"You know, it's okay not to be okay."

My eyes widen at her comment.

"It's okay to feel like your drowning, it's okay to feel like there's nothing left for you, it's okay. But what's not okay is staying in that state of mind, what's not okay is to push it aside and think of it as "just another wave." Because it's not, it's long lasting trauma that both me and you have,"

She runs her fingers through my hair, fully understanding.... something that others couldn't do.

"What's not okay is to be okay with dealing with it alone. I'm right here, i'm right by your side Kurapika, you need to remember i'm right here, and i'll always be. We will not run from it, we will learn from it. It is true yes, the rage, the memories, it wont go away, but we will help each other through it. We have to be honest to ourselfves. You're smart, I know you know this but i'm here to let you know that I'm..... we are, right here Kurapika."

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