- Were the same -

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"Mama!!" I yelled out with gut wrenching agony. I watched as she was slowly murdered gasping for life. I sat, my eyes glowing a rich scarlet red, leaving stinging tears of vexation. "NO!" I cried out reaching for mama. I watched as her eyes were slowly gouged out of her skull, heaving blood that drenched a sickening coat on her beautiful face.

I couldn't do anything.....

All I could do is watch everything I've ever loved wither away before me. All I could do is listen to the screams and cries of despair coming from the people I once called my family... my home... my comfort.

I couldn't.....

That was the very first moment this sick feeling of malaise coaxed my heart with never ending pain. The pain I woke up to, the pain I went to sleep with, the pain I lived with.

My eyes shifted to a beautiful and rich scarlet color, they glew heaping hatred and sorrow. It was cool and sophisticated yet full of hatred and passion. I gasp, realizing my eyes turned next to a commoner, or so I thought.

I snap my head around to see the beautiful creature beside me.

Except his eyes........

His eyes were red too.

They heaped hatred I've never seen before, not even in myself. It made me want to get on the floor and scream as loud as I can. Why are his eyes red too....

Then suddenly, the realization hit. He's....... apart of........... my expression turned to a state of extreme numbness. His head snapped around to face mine. His eyes widened with piercing shock as time......


Both our eyes burned the deep, scarlet red pigment, brighter than ever before. Tears..... tears rolled down my face, I could feel the stinging sorrow that was built in my eyes over time, drenched in the tears that gently stung my face.

His hands shaking, reached for my face and, grasped his cold fingers on my arms and pulled my body gently to his yet aggressively. Like he was clenching his thirst that has been bugging him for years, still with disbelief filled tears rolling down his face.

"Don't go!!!! Please....... I need you." I said weakly, gagging with emotion, gasping for relief of this painful scene. Not you too. Suddenly my throat hurt..... it hurt so bad. I heard screaming in the distance.... screaming.... screaming.... screaming, but that person screaming

Was me.

Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. STOP. STOP. STOP!

I clenched onto his shirt squeezing harder and started to sob.

I thought everyone died.... I thought I was alone..... I thought-

He then hugged me tighter, and rested his head on my shoulders. I felt his hot tears drip on my shoulders bitterly. I thought everyone had died, I thought I was alone, I thought I had no one left.

Though I didn't know him, we both both lived a painful life thinking we had no one, thinking everyone was gone, the ones we did know and the ones we didn't.

He lifted his head from my shoulder and gave me the warmest smile I ever received. "I'm Kurapika." He choked on his tears.

"I'm Y/n."

It felt like I found a shard of broken glass that was missing in my heart. And that... that was enough for me. I had one last person of my kind in my arms. Wind blew through our hair Angelically, wiping our tears.

( Context: I know this can be confusing so here yah gooo. They both thought everyone was massacred mercilessly and lived their life alone. They both cared deeply for their family so this is an incredibly bitter sweet moment of realizing they weren't alone anymore. Hope that helps :))

"I thought." You both say in unison. The special thing was, you didn't have to say anything, you already knew what each other were thinking, you shared the pain, you shared the times you longed again.

You found that missing piece in your heart

Authors note: I'm sorry this is a short chapter, I'm super busy with school, "get a well rest" well sorry teachers but I can't with the 63529462947 assignments 🥲

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