- Sweet Dough -

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My saccharine lips gently peck Kurapika's.

His lips were perfectly sculpted and soft, like whipped peaks in yet to be baked cloud bread.


Our lips part, not wanting to let go.

What is this feeling?

My heart is racing like it's running away from a Lion.

I feel like I might explode.

I look up to see Kurapika's face wafted compassionatly with a pink haze, with a feint smile plastered on his lips.

He has no flaws does he.

My face heats up as I awkwardly laugh shaking my hand.

He leans down catching my attention and places his ear against my chest.

"W-what are you doing?!?" I say covering my mouth with my hands.

A sweet laugh travels through my eardrums making me sit up, pushing Kurapika off me.

"You're heart is beating so fast." He says giving me a warm smile.

He then grabs my hands and pull it to his chest.

"Do you feel that? As long as my heart beats i'll never leave, I'll stay right here by your side,"

He then places his hand against my chest, leaving his hand on my heart and mine on his.

"You're heart beats with mine, as mine beats with yours ..... so please, let me stay by your side, let me save you as you've saved me."


Yes everyone that was my heart, It exploded AHEM I mean OUR* heart. Okay back to the story.

*presses play*




I felt the currents of his heart beat that traveled through my hand get faster.

It's got to be a joke... right?

"Very funny Kurapika, don't play with my emotions like that!!" I yell as my ears catch on fire.

He shakes his head

"My heart... beats with yours... it shares the same rage as yours, it's able to be cooled by yours, it's able to to be loved by yours... I wish I could live without you, but... your apart of me.... I wish I was joking, I wish I didn't have to have the potential of loosing something else I love. I love you Y/n, do you hear me?"

He loves me?

He loves me?

He loves me.


~ Whoooho ~: You and Kurapika begin to date.... hey stop geeking out behind the screen I see you!!! You both begin to explore the love that fabricated in your hearts, however you both keep it a secret. It's too risky to have people openly know, more so because of the Phantom Troupe (what as*es they are T-T). And they live happily ever after, the end.


BAHWAHAHAHAh did I get you??You had a heart attack didn't you. I even added the bold that indicates its the end of the chapter or something big, i'm so smart.... right... right??? *cries in dumb* yeah yeah don't rub it in. Who am I to end the story in that way, so cliche and generic, booooring. Who knows what might come next, who knows what they will have to endure, who knows if they will have the chance to be together..... who knows if they will stay alive.

yep yep soak on that for a sec. mhm mhm ok.

I know this chapter is so incredibly short and i'm soo sorry GAAAAAh *wipes your imaginary tears* I've got so much schoolwork but  I wanted to feed you simps. (It's ok me too) 

Posting sqedual: (How the hel* do you spell)

~Everyday around 2:30 or later~


I promise i'll make the next chapter very long for you all Kurapika deprived citizens (it's ok me too)

Make sure you drink water and eat today, proud of you! Thank you for almost 400 read wtf- you all are angels i say ANGELS.

Ok I'll stfu now, kissesssss!

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