- Eyes -

213 9 3

I lay.

The hazy grass tickling my sides and verticies.

This feeling..

Is it motivation?

Is it resolve?

Is it love?

The grass crunched, indicating someone was coming making me shift my feild of vision.


He sits next to me, on the wet grass, looking up at the stary nights glory.

The stars twinkle brightly, mimicking happiness.

Every star is different, some are big, some are small. Some are close, some are far. Some are bright some are not.... but.... they always sing a symphony  together, sparkling stories from afar, in harmony. A single star... would be as sad as a metronome. 



The wind begins to blow softly through our hair, melting away any tremor lingering.


It swung around us in a frenzy, swirling around the lingering pollen.



"My mother..," 

"I have a feeling... she wants me to thank you."

These very words, swirled their way to Kurapika's heart.

His eyes sparkled gently, telling you that these words.....

They resonated with him.

His eyes widen as the stars begin to glow a shiny glass like film across our faces.

"Mama!!" I laugh as she tickles my ribs. I feel Her soft and tender fingers tap and swirl across my feet making me laugh louder. "Mama!! HAhhaha! Please, no more! Ahahah!" My momma giggles and glides her sweet pointer finger, drawing a heart on the top of my head. "Y/n, when someone saves you, do you remember what momma told you to do?,"

I never understood that, why she'd ask me these sparratic questions, like I was in danger.. no, like life lessons. Like she had limited time and wanted to teach me all she could to blossom Y/n L/n.

"  Silly mommy, you thank them! For all the things they helped you with!" I say, determined i got the answer correct. I twirl my momma's hair around, waiting with anticipation. "Very good Y/n. They saved you, you have to repay them. You have to  let them know your words are genuine, just like what momma taught you." She responds to my answer, begining to braid my hair. " What does genuine mean?" I ask puzzled. Silly mommy, she always asks me weird questions. Momma laughs, and continues to brush my hair with the shining brush. I watched as it reflected light, back and forth as she brushed. What could go wrong? I'm happy with mommy!

" I also want... to thank you."

"I also.... want to let you know how much I care. I'm not good with feelings or expressing but... Thank you.. thank you, thank you, thank you."


What is this silence?

" I wonder.. why your thanking someone I haven't recodnized myself... ever since you sat at that former bench, Is when I began to recodnize myself again. I should be the one.. thanking you." Kurapika responds.

The grass's dampened floor, shone vigorously in the night sky. 




"No... no! I can't move on to the next step, I cant open a new door without thanking you, without letting you know

How much I love you!!"

Silence?! What is this joke!!



"... whats, this new door you speak of?" Kurapika asks, finally breaking the silence.

I know this is selfish of me... I'm looking for an answer desperatly.

Like looking for a grain of rice in muddy water.

It takes time, patience, to make someone proud, to convey their love.... right?

I want to speak, but as soon as I part my lips, they are stunned.


"I know."


"Y/n.. "

The next words he said....


"What took you guys so long?!? I was worried sick!" Leorio screams, speed walking over to my dampened face form the tears.



They all circulate us, worried about my state.


"Were going to get our ancestors eyes back." 

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