- Undertaking -

398 10 12

IMPORTANT: Read the note at the end of this chapter pretty please!

We arrive in a parking lot of a local outdoor mall like area.

The setting tenses as we all share a glance, begining our plan.

Our plan is to pin point The Phantom Troupes hideout, it's inevidable that they have moved or concealed their hideout since iv'e escaped alive the last time they have kidnapped me.... or perhaps they haven't, their whole objective is to lure Kurapika in isn't it?

After we've done that we will have to park in civilization closest to the hideout and act as if were regular citizens, to cause no nearby suspicion. After all, they are expecting us so they could be watching every single movement we make.

After that we will descretly conceal ourself using Zetsu (I think that's the one) and make our way carefully to their hideout and find the unknown antidote.

We all relax , putting on our everyday faces as a mask getting out the car.

"Hey! I think we should go to Chipotle!" Gon suggests, playing the act.

I nod, agreeing, putting on a smile.

"Yeah, well I think we should go get Pizza at Costco." Leorio huffs.

"I'm going to have to go with Gon on this one." Killua adds, examining the area descretly.

"Chipotle sounds nice." Kurapika adds.

"Fine i'll go get Pizza by myself!" Leorio huffs, as he stomps away, too looking descretly around the area.

"Gon, Killua, I think you should go drag Leorio with us to chipotle." I laugh, proceeding the plan to seperate and scope the area for any lurking spiders.

Kurapika then gives me a look that says, "The plan is proceeding as planned, let's go into Chipotle."

I smile as a response, telling him I understand.

"Hahaha! Why are you staring like that? Do I look cute today? I bet I do~" I say, masking any of the stares headed our way.

~Kurapika's POV~

Seems as if she understood and covered up why i stared in that way.

... You always do Y/n.

~Y/n's POV~

We walk into Chipotle sitting in the back corner pulling out our phones.

- Groupchat -

3:27 Kurapika: Did you all reach Costco?

3:27 Y/nnnn: You pulled the words right out my mouth, is everything ok?

3:28 Kil: yeah, we've made it alright

3:28 Y/nnnn: Why what's wrong?

3:29 Kil: leorio insists on actually getting pizza  - - 

3:29 Gon!: Mhm! We're all set to continue. Have you found anyone who looks out of the ordinary?

3:30 Y/nnn: lolol a little late Gon.

3:30 Gon!: :(

3:31 Kurapika: Y/n

3:31 Kil: I wouldn't talk, takes you four hours in the shower every day

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