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FIRST, I want to say, Thank you so much for over 900 reads. Honestly ILY ALL SM- Thank you *sobs*

"How scary~"


"I would stop talking if i were you, unless you want your leader to ruthlessly die in my hands." Kurapika threatens.

This is bad.

Normal people wouldn't be able to tell but... Kurapika's acting on emotions... he's acting on impulse.

This is bad.

I can almost see the rath boiling through his fingertips.... and to be honest... mine as well.

I was too focused on Kurapika that I didn't realize my own state.

I too, was about to flip, I too was gritting my teeth, I too share that same hatred Kurapika has deep within him.

Our family was mercilessly massacured by these filthy creatures and I'll never forgive their sins.

I'll never forgive the blood they shed

I'll never forgive..

I'll never...

My already scarlet eyes, glow more passionantly and sparked with resentment.

The hatred blinded my eyes, I can't think or see anything else


I want to kill them.

I stand, gliding my feet across the timid rock flooring, ready for anything.

I stand next to Kurapika, completely blinded from right and wrong, Both our scarlet eyes burning intensely with rath and rage.

I'm ready to avenge my anscestors.

"You finally decided to come out from hiding~" Hisoka said with a smirk curling on his lips.

"Oh~ I really do love that look."

This man disgusts me.

"Where is the antidote." Kurapika hissed, tightening the grip of his chains around Chrollo's beating heart.

"Ah, you figured it out. Actually, I was expecting you'd figure it out, easy really." Chrollo said, furrowing his eyebrows from the strange feeling of chains tightly wrapped around his heart.

The other 12 members all flinch.

Even though their bloody murderers.... I'm sure... I don't even want to beleive this but I know they still have feelings. At the end of the day, They're human. They most likely care about their leader. You sick murderers.

 I see Hisoka's rubbery and elastic aura fling my way.


I doge bending down.


It's not that easy Hisoka.

"I wouldn't underestimate me if I were you." I spat.

I then shift my vision to graze Hisoka's arm.

It was twitching pervertly, as his expression molding into.....


(People who know Hisoka, you know exactly what face he was making 💃🕺🏼)

"mhmhm~" He laughs. It's no time to be laughing you clown.

What is he planning??

"Hey~ Look over there."

I quickly snap my head in the direction he pointed to, to see a rock, levatating in the air surrounded in.... His Aura??!

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