- Revenge Arc -

236 8 3

- Stary Night -

~A few days later~

Sitting on the couch, Dino Hunter in hand, I think, trying to find a solution.

I don't even need to relay to Kurapika, I know he's thinking the same thing.

"Whats the best way to avenge our ancestors"

That's the question that circling in my mind.


Get close to the troupe?

No, that'd never work, they are too careful and wouldn't open up so easily.

They are the spiders after all.


Leorio, on the other side of the couch, studying for his dream of being a doctor,  Gon and Killua just being best friends near the fireplace, Kurapika by my side..

This life I have... It's the life iv'e dreamed of, longed for...

But I can't be happy, I can't be fully happy. Not until I get my revenge, not until I retrieve all our ancestors eyes.

Is it selfish?..

Am I asking for too much?

I'm sitting right next, to the other only member left beside myself, someone I love more than anything.

I'm in a room with my friends, friends that will stick with each other no matter what.

I'm finally not lonely anymore, I finally feel like I'm living yet....

I'm not satisfied.

I flip the old pages, Englufed in memories of our clan.

Saddened Tears fill my eyes.

I can't sit back and relax until we get our revenge.

I can't sit back until I get to make my mother proud.

( I highly recommend listening while reading~~~~, I know iv'e played this song already but it's so fitting ggaaaaaaaaaah.)

"Mama!" I laugh, watching her beautiful figure blow through the wind. Her hair danced and melted into the warm wind, flying perfectly around her. Her smile warmed up the area, it always did. Laughter, she laughs, calming any unease. Her dress flew along side her, making her look welcoming and warming. Mama.. that's my mama. I run towords her, as she picks me up and twirls me around. The winds wonder and curiosity skimmed across my skin making a smile curl onto my lips. Mama puts me down, and gives me a warming embrace. Her glace scent traveled through my nose, making me nuzzle into her side. "Mama... one day... I'll make you proud. Please stay by my side forever okay?" I say with determination. My mothers eyes widen as she hugs me tighter. "Even when mama isn't with you, I'll be in the vast sky, watching you okay? You already make me proud, by just standing here. I love you Y/n. When you miss me, look up at the stars and remind yourself i'm right here, and that i'm so proud of you." 

I always found that weird, that she was proud of me for standing with her, that she would watch me from the sky... but now I understand... now...


Tears flood down my cheeks, grabbing everyone's attention.

"Y/n?" Kurapika calls out for me, confused.

"Everyone, I'll be right back." I choke on my tears.

"Well hold on, wait Y/n!" Leorio yells, getting up.

"Leorio, let her be. She needs time to herself." Kurapika says, putting a hand on his shoulder.

I run outside, the stars twinkling brightly.


My tears flow a continuous river of saddness.

I Look up at the deep night sky.

Stars glittered, beaming brightly.

The moon laid a thin layer across the earth, making my tears glitter.

"Mama.." I croak.

"I miss you... I miss you... I miss you! I'm looking at the sky like you told me to... but..." I start to sob, and kneel to the grass.

Suddenly a star begins to twinkle strongly, grabbing my attention.

This star.. it was beautiful... it gave the same affects my mother did, it gave me the same warmth my mother did.

That's when I realize..

I gasp.


Nostalgic wind, wiped my tears away.

This wind... this wind... it's telling me something.

It's not speaking but it's telling me something.

" I see you found someone to keep you company while I'm gone Y/n, ahhah! I would've thought the day would never come. Well? Hows he like dear. I bet he's handsome too~,"

I smile, closing my eyes, letting the wind talk to me.

"Mama... you really want to know? Well... he's kind... he's so kind. Even when he's full with rage, he always chooses his friends over getting revenge and loosing control. He always is there when you need it, despite anything else. He acts calm, but he can be reckless. He's smart, but he doesn't always think things through.. But in my eyes... he's perfect. In my eyes, hes the definition of perfect. Chances are, you might have seen him from how small our clan was. You would have loved him. When I was in my lowest of low... the thing that saved me mom,.... was him. He's my savior as corny as that is.."

My sour tears turned into a smile.

The wind blew again, " Looks like you've found a real winner Y/n~. When you see him again, please thank him, for being there for you, will you? I'm glad you have friends and are doing better. Remember, Mother is always with you, Remember all those times you felt the wind, caress you face? You'll always be my sweet girl Y/n, I love you." 

Her voice whisps away, leaving me spread across the grass.

Did mama just...

Whether I'm going crazy or not.... I take this to heart.

Thank you mama.

"Mama... thank you. I'll remember to look at the stars every night okay? Thank you.. Thank you." I thank, with a sweet smile.

Except this time... this time the wind didn't blow again, the wind didn't speak back. 

I smile at her depaurture, looking up at her star.

This is the begining of my new goal,

Our revenge, starts now.

Authors note: Did I almost cry writing this? Yep. Am I ashamed, nope. lololol. Hope you cried a little too -3- 

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