- Judgement Chain -

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      ~ Nen ~    (I thought you'd all need a breif run through of nen before we leak more into the story so here yah gooo! Feel free to skip, it's a lot of boring information but if you want this chapter to make sense pls read -3-)

Ten: The ability to inveloup your body in a shroud of nen aura making it tougher and slowing the effects of aging.

Zetsu: A technique which shuts off your flow of nen aura, effective for concealing your presence and recovering from fatigue.

Ren: A technique for creating an especially strong nen aura, it is crucial for increasing your power

Hatsu: The release of your nen aura, after using nen to boost it.

-These four elements are known as the four exercises, and are critical to the mastering of nen -

Brief explanation of nen: It is a technique that allows a living being to use and manipulate their own life energy (known as aura) 

Brief explanation of nen: It is a technique that allows a living being to use and manipulate their own life energy (known as aura)

Nen abilities fall into distinct categories,

Enhancers: Are able to strengthen or reinforce the natural properties of any objects they encounter. (ex. Gon)

Transmutters: Can manipulate and change the qualities of aura at will. (ex. Hisoka, Killua)

Conjurers: Similar to transmutters, Conjurers have the ability to materialize an object out of aura. (ex. Kurapika)

Emitters: Can propel their auras, shooting or projecting it forward. (ex. Leorio)

Manipulators: Can use their aura to control objects or living things. (ex. Kurapika, Illumi)

Specialists: Specialists possess rare abilities that do not fit within the other five categories. (ex. Neon, Chrollo)


Drips came from the fractured ceiling, flicking it's cold tongue on our faces making us heighten our guard.

We should stay out of recodnition... we can't get involved with them unless we need to. We're only here for the antidote.

We all descritely move until we reach a large room that seemingly looks like a main room of the spiders.

"Yeah yeah, should be here soon." A man said, kicking a rock around.

They're... here???

Why would they look so casual if they are expecting us.

That intimidates me, what exactly do they have up their sleeve?!

Or... they want us to feel uneasy from their extreame confidence.

Maybe it's just me who isn't confident in my abilities.

I make eye contact with Gon, Killua, and Kurapika. We all know what we're thinking. Gon and Killua move, still using Zetsu*, hiding behind a moist rock.

Leorio stays in the shadows, ready for any possible setbacks as me and Kurapika hide behind another rock that has a gentle layer of moss growing on it's spine. 


A loud bang interrupted my thoughts making both me and kurapika shift to the direction of the noise.

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