- Special Chapter -

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Hiii my loves, remember how Author-Chan told you on birthday's she'll write special chaps for you deprived Citezens? ( i know i can't spell hush hehe) Well It's May 5th... know what that means? Gon's mf birthday AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. So I've decided to gift you all a                                                                          special Chapter~ Enjoyyyy

( Im actually 5 days late but ignore that HA- )

( Disclaimer: Gon in the first season is 12 years old, but 4 seasons later when years have passed have reffered him as 12.... that don't add up PFT. Sooo I'll make Gon turn 13 here because it only makes sense >o<)

- Gon's POV -

~ Group chat ~

Y/nnn: Happy birthday GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON!! * weird emoji's *

Pika: Happy Birthday, Gon.

Oreo: ... It's his birthday?!?

Killua: you stupid old hag 

Oreo: * middle finger emoji  *

( sorry I would name his contact Kil but only his family rlly calls him that and no one likes his family, especially his whiny mother tsk tsk. Alluka is an acception though hheheh )

What are these loud buzzes coming from?

I sit up, hearing the ocean hum and dance in its glory, smelling the oceans salt.

It's morning.

I smell the aroma of my Aunt Mito's cooking, creeping from underneath the cracks of the door frame.

Ohh! What's she making!

~ Group chat ~

Y/n: Don't tell me he's still asleep, GON WAKE UP

Pika: Let him rest.

These buzzes...

I open my phone and...

( Wait wait before we continue, Gon will have a modern phone that's not a whole BUG. Its so blocky T-T He'll have an iphone or something that's not what he has now HAHAHHA. Just if you were confused )

I open my phone braced with 63 missed messages form the family group chat!


~ Group chat ~

Y/n: Geeezzz Gon, its already 10 T^T we want to spend the day with you!

Oreo: Mhm what Y/n said!!

Whoah! Guys!

~Group chat ~

Gon: Thanks everyone! * some kind of cute emoji lol *


Killua: Took you long enough

Oreo: yeah yeah stop with the cringy stuff.

Gon: You really remembered huh!

Y/n: Gon, tell me why we wouldn't-

Y/n: Any requests? Want to do something?

Gon: Wellll Aunt Mito is cooking something if you wanted to come over :)) 

Oreo: Ohohohooooo i was hungry too

Y/n: Deal 

Killua: Uhhm, Gon check your Dm

Direct message? Killua?

- Killua <3 -

Gon: Hi Killua!!

Killua: um so

Killua: yeah im not good with this kind of thing but.. happy birthday.

Gon: Wow! Thanks Killua! I really appreciate it! Say it again!

Killua: Stop that's embarrasing, no way!!

I have great friends!

( sorry everyone this is super short and bad. I dont know where to go with this i'm just like AAAaAaaA. And ignore i'm 5 days late pfffftttt. MWah love you!! )

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