chapter -24

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Dushasan is destroying everything because of anger... He didn't even talk to anyone after that incident... He is saying " I want to kill pandavas and that droupadi "... As a devine mantra... Everyone tried to pacify him... But he doesn't say other than "I want kill pandavas and that droupadi "....

Duryodhan became sad by seeing his brother..... So he came towards him with Shakuni and karna...
By seeing duryodhan dushasan hugged him and started to cry....

"Bhrata, mamashree, Angaraj.. I want to kill them...."... Cried dushasan by saying it...

"Mere bacche don't cry... It is not apt for a Kshatriya... A true Kshatriya will take revenge... Said shakuni with a evil grin...

"What are you going to do mamashree ".. Asked duryodhan... By seeing the evil grin of mamashree..

Shakuni started to laugh as a mad man.... And told his plan to 3 of them...

Dushasan became happy to hear it........

"Now I will take revenge on them mamashree ".... Said dushassan with a happy evil grin...


Pandavas are enjoying in indraprasth by chatting with each other along with Krishna...

"Parth.... I am feeling so boring... So let's play something"... Asked Krishna to his Parth...

"Even... I am feeling so bore.... Okay let's play.... But what about them"... Asked Arjun by pointing his brother's...

"They will come parth..... Just wait and watch"... Said krishna With a mischievous smile...

Arjun understand that his madhav to going to do something.... And what ever it is... He will support him....

"Jyest, bhrata..... Parth told me that you all don't know how to fly kite".... Said krishna with a smile...

Pandavas glared at Arjun.... Arjun looks at krishna...."when did I say that look".....

"Arjun.... Who told you that we don't know... We will show how much expert we are in that".... Said bheem loudly... After ordering dasis to bring kite and thread....

"Okay let's see".... Said Arjun and Krishna together..

At that time droupadi and subhadra came there.... They asked them....

"What is going on here".....

"A competition is going between This two mad fellows and us.."... Said bheem pointing Arjun and Krishna....

"We are not mad".... Said Arjun and Krishna together.....

But everyone ingnored it....

"What competition bhrata..." Asked subhadra ignoring arjun and krishna...

"Flying kite competition bhadre"... Said yudhisthir with a calm voice...

"We are also in for competition."... Said subhadra looking at droupadi...

"And only we are going to win it..."... Said droupadi.... To her husband's and brother's...

They all looked at her with let's see look...

And here starts the war of flying kite with them...

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