Mitsuki and Katsuki having dinner at the Todoroki's

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Katsuki: please don't start a fight with Endeavor. Also the villains randomly come at times it's weird. Don't question it.

Mitsuki: O-O okay- and no promises. However from what Shoto has said he isn't as much of an asshole now.

Katsuki: do I have to wear this-

Mitsuki: yes Shoto will like it.

Katsuki: I'm changing. He'll want to steal my hoodies. *yeets off and comes back* now we can go.

Mitsiki: okay.

-when they get there-

Mitsuki: is that screaming-

Katsuki: don't question it. *knocks on the door*

Endeavor: *opens the door* Hello! Come in. *moves away from the door*

Katsuki and Mitsuki: *walk in*

Endeavor: *closes the door behind them* they're all in the kitchen-

Mitsuki: why-?

Endeavor: I don't know. I honestly don't know.

Mitsuki: heh.

Katsuki: *yeets to the kitchen*

Mitsuki: O-O

Endeavor: that usually happens. Anyway you want a drink?

Mitsuki: coffee please.

Endeavor: sure. *walks off and comes back with two coffees hands her one*

Mitsuki: thank you.

Endeavor: you're welcome.

Mitsuki: so I hate to bring the topic up but Rei.

Endeavor: *sighs* it was going to come up at some point so continue.

Mitsuki: well I beat her up.

Endeavor: you did?

Mitsuki: yep. The amount of times Shoto has come over to escape her are uncountable.

Endeavor: I hate the bitch.

Mitsuki: same.

Shoto and Katsuki: *walk into the room and sit down on the couch*

Mitsuki and Endeavor: why are you both so red?

Shoto: Fuyumi was making fun of us.

Fuyumi: hEy Mr. PoRtAbLe StOVe gEt HeRe!

Shoto: ...... no.

Fuyumi: okay.

Katsuki: hah.

-later after eating-

Mitsuki: *sat in a chair watching something with Endeavor*

Endeavor: *sat in another chair* *glances at Shoto and smiles*

Katsuki: *has an arm wrapped around Shoto and is holding Shoto's hand because yes.*

Shoto: '•////////////////////////////•' *leant into him*

(Let me just say. These guys are not dating. Yet-)

Mitsuki: 'hah. My son is so gay. I can see his red face from here.'


Endeavor: Dabi go away-

Dabi: nu.

Mitsuki: someone older than you gave you an instruction. Follow it.

Dabi: okay- *yeets off*

Endeavor: how do you do that?

Mitsuki: magic. Are they asleep?

Shoto and Katsuki: no.

Endeavor: that answers that question then.

Mitsuki: indeed.

-like 2 hours later-

Mitsuki: we should probably leave now- or not. He is definitely asleep this time.

Endeavor: if you want you can go and he can stay.

Mitsuki: *smiles* sure. If he is any trouble just send him home.

Endeavor: okay.

Mitsuki: bye. *leaves*

Endeavor: she didn't kill meeeeee. Yay. Natsuo don't you dare wake them.

Natsuo: Humph *walks off*

Endeavor: *puts a blanket over them and walks off* *turns the lights off on his way past*

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