idk what to call this

215 3 28

Monoma: Shinso fuck you.

Shinso: what have I done?

Monoma: you don't need to know.

Shinso: okay-


Toga: I hate you. I despise you. I can't stand you.

Natsuo: then stop holding my hand.

Toga: no.


-on a train-

Twice: *anxious bc everyone is looking at him*

Shoto: *Pat's Twice's shoulder* it's okay. Ignore them and focus on me.

Twice: *nods and just ignores the world around them*


Dabi: father-

Endeavor: yes?

Dabi: I- uhhhh-

Endeavor: yes??

Dabi: I kinda left Natsuo in the rain because he was being stupid-

Endeavor: *facepalms* I'll go get him.

Dabi: UwU


Eri: dad?

Aizawa: yes?

Eri: can we take the cats for a walk?

Aizawa: uhh do we have the stuff to do that?

Eri: yes.

Aizawa: then sure.


-on a different train-

Toga: *sat next to Natsuo*

Some perv guy: *puts his hand on her thigh*

Toga: *squeezes Natsuo's hand*

Natsuo: *looks over and moves Toga onto his lap* *glares at the perv guy*


Rappa: *beating Tengai's ex to death*

The police: you cant do that-

Rappa: Hawks said it was okay. Hawks said it was quite alright. *drops the dead woman* *answers his phone* hello?

Overhaul: Tengai is okay. He is awake. He wants to see you.

Rappa: I'm on my way back now. *hangs up*


Shigaraki: Dabi do you ever want to talk about your feelings?

Dabi: no.

Twice; I do.

Shigaraki: I know Twice.

Twice: I'm sad.

Shigaraki: I know Twice.


Katsuki: are you asleep?

Shoto: yes.

Katsuki: okay I won't bother you then

-two hours later-

Katsuki: wait a fucking second-


Tsuyu: I like frogs.

Kota: I like trains.

Shoto: *crashes into Class 1a in a flying train* TrAiNs!


Shoto: *reekid* hug? Hug? Hug? Hug? Hug? Hug? Hug? Hug? *prodding Katsuki everytime he says the word*

Katsuki: *hugs Shoto*


Shoto: *your narrator* Get in loser we're going shopping!!!

Katsuki: *reekid* FuCk YeAh StAcEy WoOoOoOoO!!!


Mina: Kirishima sing part of your favourite song!

Kirishima: okay- *clears his throat*
🎶Share one more drink with me. Smile even though your sad. I'm walking the long road~ watching the sky fall~ the lace in your dress tingles my neck how do I live~ the death of a batchelor~!🎶

Kaminari: O/////O


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