More future people-

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Future Shoto: *appears in Class 1a* *blinks* I was in the middle off a lesson-

Mina: wait you a teacher-

Katsuki: future me literally said that when he came to teach us about bones-

Mina: oh yeah-

Sero: anything interesting happen in your life Future Todoroki?

F. Shoto: my son got into trouble at school so I had to sort that out. I've been to my brothers wedding and yeah that's about it so far this week.

Kirishima: what did your son do?

F. Shoto: he beat up a kid. I told him to but still-

Kaminari: you told your own son to beat up a kid?!

F. Shoto: I mean he came home covered in cuts and bruises one night. It was either my son beat them up or I would of. And if I had beaten them up they would be dead.

Iida: O-O

Aiko: *appears* Dada?

F. Shoto: *picks her up* heh.

Mina: aww- wait if you have children are you married-

F. Shoto: nope still engaged-

Sero: to WhO-

F. Shoto: I can't tell you that-

F. Tokoyami: *appears* wtf- hey aren't you meant to be teaching?

F. Shoto: yes-

Future people: *disappear*

Class 1a: okay-

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