People teaching

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Eri: Hawks?

Hawks: yes?

Eri: why are you teaching our class.

Hawks: because your old teacher is ill. So. I'm here.

Eri: okay-

Hawks: what have you been learning about?

Kota: fractions-

Hawks: yeah I ain't doing that. Wanna watch a movie-?

The class: Yeahhh!!!!


F. Shoto: ffs!

Shoto: hello again-

F. Shoto: hello.

Katsuki: teach us something!!!

F. Shoto: like what?

Iida: anything.

F. Shoto: hmmmmmmm. *sits on Aizawa's desk* There are 37.2 trillion different cells in the world. 30 trillion of which are in the human body.

We can divide the cells into animal and non-animal. These are usually known as plant cells.

Animal cells include bone cells, tissue cells, epithelial cells and nerve cells. It also includes many many more.

Plant cells include stem cells, parenchymal cells, collenchymal cells, and sclerenchymal cells.

The eight parts of a plant cell are the cell wall, cell membrane, nucleus, plastids, central vacuole, Golgi Apparatus, Ribosomes and Mitochondria.

The four main parts of an animal cell are cell membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus and Mitochondria.

They also have centrosomes and lysomes.

Kaminari: my brain hurts- why does Shoto have to be so smart?!

F. Shoto: heh.

Deku: now this is better than future Kacchan teaching-

F. Shoto: I will throw you out the window.

Deku: what?

F. Shoto: you insulted my {bleep}. Why cant I say {bleep}

Meh: because it gives away the future- I mean yeah Future Bakugo gave something away but I erased their minds and because I'm not in the mood to erase minds I'm bleeping it.

F. Shoto: okay- *disapears*

MHA stuff 2.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ