incorrect quotes again

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Shinso: wait what's the plan again?

Monoma: don't die.


Aoyama: I have a feeling we should kiss. Is that a good feeling or not-?

Tokoyami: well sometimes I have the feeling I should do crystal meth then I'm like hmmm better not.

Aoyama: :| 'well shit that didn't work-'


Dabi: Have none of you heard what I just said?!

Twice: I've been zoned out for the last two hours.

Shigaraki: I got distracted by your hotness half way through.

Toga: I chose not to listen


Mirio: the stars are so beautiful.

Tamaki: they're just giant balls of gas

Mirio: don't ruin the moment-

Tamaki: and yet none of them are as huge as my love for you.

Mirio: awwww


Aizawa: you're to good for this world.

Mic: aww-

Aizawa: so I'll be an asshole for both of us.

Mic: Aizawa no.


Monoma: *accidentally hits Shinso in the face with his crutch* 'do I say I'm sorry or are you okay-' are you sorry?! Well shit.

Shinso: what-

Monoma: I was deciding between saying I'm sorry or are you okay but it came out of my mouth as are you sorry-

Shinso: ohhh okay. Well I accept your apology and I'm okay.


Dabi: *walking into Endeavor's house* I be looking pretty good for a dead bitch.

Endeavor: Touya-

Dabi: that's me. But call me Touya and I will kill you.

Endeavor: you already try to kill me-

Dabi: true-


Eri: like can you imagine getting rich from being cute?

Tsuyu: hmm.

Iida and Kota: well you'd be billionaires-

Tsuyu: huh?

Eri: what?

Iida and Kota: nOtHiNg-


Natsuo: Jail is no fun I'll tell you that.

Toga: you've been?

Natsuo: once. In monopoly.

Toga: *facepalms*


Tsuyu: *to her ex* FIGHT ME!

Iida: *hidden somewhere* don't you dare touch my little cinnamon roll if you ever want to the see light again.

Tsuyu's ex (I forgot what we called him): *scared for his life* nah I'm good.


Overhaul: you know what I hate about being grown up?

Hawks: the constant fear that you're wasting your time and you don't know what you are doing?

Overhaul: no. Nobody asks me what my favourite dinosaur is anymore. It's like they don't even care!

Hawks: *sighs* what's your favourite dinosaur?

Overhaul: a stegosaurus.


Katsuki: *layed on Shoto with his head on his chest*

Shoto: what do you think about?

Katsuki: uh, killing Deku-

Shoto: oh, your heart sped up-

Katsuki: no it didn't- stfu.


Mina: here is my wall of inspirational women.

Jirou: is that you-?

Mina: yes. I can admit that often I find myself inspirational.


Katsuki: the floor is lava.

Kirishima: *helps Kaminari onto a counter*

Mina: *kicks Sero of the couch*

Katsuki: as you can see there a two kinds of lovers.


Mic: I have a new hoodie.

Aizawa: we have a new hoodie.

Mic: Shoto and Bakugo did that yesterday-

Aizawa: I don't care. Give me the hoodie.

Mic: mine.

Aizawa: ours.


Natsuo: oh god why are you bleeding so much?!

Toga: oh I cut myself with a knife by mistake. The bleeding will stop soon.


Natsuo: *gets a paper cut*



Shoto: I was like I will wake up early and do things. I did not wake up early and I did not do things.




Tokoyami: whomst the actual sexual intercourse?

Aoyama: what the fuck-


Aizawa: so you're going to be fine on your own?

Mic; Please I love being alone. I actually have a bunch of things to do without you.

Aizawa: okay see you then. *walks off*

-3 hours later-

Aizawa: *picks up his phone* Hello?

Mic: *crying* I'm so lonely! I tried hugging a pillow but, THEY DON'T HUG BACK!!

Aizawa: *giggles* I'm on my way back.

Mic: GOOD!


Dabi: so here's the plan. We set the fire alarms off-

Toga: we can't set them off if there is no fire!!!

Dabi: okay first I start a fire then we set the fire alarms off.

Shigaraki: no.

Twice: *walks into class 1a* Shoto can we borrow you?

Shoto: sure. *walks to them*

Class 1a: O-O

Dabi: or we could do that-

Toga: indeed we could.


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