More Glittery bird

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Tokoyami: you wear makeup-?

Aoyama: sometimes yeah-

Tokoyami: cool. If I had an human face and not this bird head I would of let you do my makeup bc I nice.

Aoyama: heh.

Tokoyami: why do you wear makeup?

Aoyama: to feel pretty.

Tokoyami: but you are pretty already.

Aoyama: O-O

Tokoyami: I said that out loud didn't I?

Aoyama: *nods*

Tokoyami: well shit-

Aoyama: I appreciate it.

Tokoyami: :)

Aoyama: hehe.

Tokoyami: why does baby you have freckles-

Aoyama: whY aRe yOu lOoKiNg At mY bAbY pIctUreS?!

Tokoyami: *shrugs* now why does baby you have freckles?

Aoyama: I have freckles. Very light ones. I hate them.

Tokoyami: why? I think freckles are cute.

Aoyama: I don't know I just don't like them. I think they're ugly. Well not on other people.

Tokoyami: well I think they're pretty. I'm guessing you wear makeup to cover them.

Aoyama: yeah. It doesn't need alot of makeup though.

Tokoyami: I think you should show your freckles.

Aoyama: I don't want to.

Tokoyami: come on. Freckles are pretty.

Aoyama: not on me tho-

Tokoyami: *puts his hands on Aoyama's shoulders*

Aoyama: 'holy fucking shit. Wait what the fuck is going onnnnn-'

Tokoyami: you are beautiful with your freckles and you are going to learn to love them. I'm not gonna be sat here loving them for you. You have to love them to. *wipes the makeup off him*

Aoyama: *smiles slightly* *hugs him*

Tokoyami: *hugs him back*

Aoyama: thank you.

Tokoyami: for-?

Aoyama: everything.

Aoyama's sister bc idk he has one now: *walks in* oh- bad timing. I was just gonna say I'm going out with my girlfriend bai- *yeets off*

Tokoyami: heh. *waves*

Aoyama: idiot

Tokoyami: says you.

Aoyama: *fake gasp* Roode!

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