Tsuyu, Toga, Tamaki and Shoto get kidnapped

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Shoto: DoNt YoU dAre-

???: I dare. *knocks Shoto out and takes him away*


Toga: *screams*

???: *knocks her out and takes her away*

Natsuo: *runs to where he heard screaming* Toga?!


Tsuyu: *casually walking along the street*

???: *knocks her out and takes her away*


Tamaki: you see what Nejire wants. I'll stay right here.

Mirio: okay! *kisses Tamaki's forehead before running off*

???: *knocks Tamaki out and takes him away*

Mirio: *walks back* Tamaki?! Baby?!

-even later-

???: *calls Katsuki, Mirio, Iida and Natsuo*

All 4: *pick up*

???: I have your significant others.

Katsuki: I don't have a significant other-

???: basically I have Shoto

Katsuki: what?!

???: Toga

Natsuo: Excuse me!

???: Tsuyu

Iida: *angry sonic noises*

???: and Tamaki.

Mirio: oh god. 'He's probably panicking!'

???: there's no time limit on this one. The sooner you find them the better. *leaves the call*

Iida: I know where Bakugo is but where are you two?

Natsuo: at home. I can come to the school if that's easier?

Iida: yeah.

Mirio: I was walking past the school so I'll just walk in.

-later after meeting up-

Iida: we need a plan.

Katsuki: *trying not to blow everything up*

Natsuo: can any of us drive-? I'm training-

Mirio: I can drive but I'm not the best at it-

Iida: I don't have a license so I cant drive and im pretty sure Bakugo can't drive.

Mirio: anyway we've got to work out where they'll be.

Iida: yes.

Natsuo: hmm.

Katsuki: huh- the person who called just texted me-

Iida: what does it say?

A pile of words
Jackets of hordes
Take a quick look
In the place of the book

Mirio: what-

Natsuo: that's just words.

Iida: place of the book- I've got it. Library.

Katsuki: oh yeah. Let's go.

All 4: *start running*

-with the 4-

Shoto: well shit.

Tsuyu: again?

Toga: why me?

Tamaki: *panicking*

Tsuyu: Tamaki take deep breaths.

Tamaki: *trying a failing to take deep breaths*

Shoto: I hope they get here soon. Tamaki can handle this-

Toga: *kicks something over to Shoto*

Shoto: *raises an eyebrow* *kicks it towards his hand and picks it up* wax-?

Toga: I don't know. Your the most calm out of all of us so I gave it to you.

Tsuyu: does anyone know who kidnapped us because I did not see a face-

Toga: I saw no face but it's a woman-

Shoto: she had a mask on but it was definitely a woman.

Tsuyu: okay.

Tamaki: *hates restraints* *very panicked boi*

Toga: Mirio and the others will be here soon Tamaki. It's okay.

-with the other 4-

Iida: *yeets into the library*

Mirio: I found a back door-


Tsuyu: how stupid does he want it-


Katsuki: they're down there-

Natsuo: hehe.


Katsuki: *yeets to them*

Iida: *runs to them*

Natsuo and Mirio: *run after Iida*

Shoto: are rescuers are idiots.

Toga: yes.

Katsuki: *kicks the door down* ChIlDrEn! And Tamaki. *yeets over to Shoto*

Iida: *runs to Tsuyu and unties her* *hugs her tightly*

Tsuyu: *hugs him back*

Natsuo: *runs to Toga* my poor cupcake.

Toga: cupcake?

Natsuo: shush I have many nicknames for you.

Toga: hehe. Untie me already so I can hug you.

Natsuo: okay okay! *unties her*

Toga: *throws herself at Natsuo* *hugs him*

Natsuo: lets go. *walks off with Toga*

Iida and Tsuyu: *follow them*

Katsuki: *breaks Shoto's restraints and picks him up*

Shoto: I can walk-

Katsuki: Stfu. I'm carrying you whether you like it or not.

Shoto: fine

Katsuki: 'adorable!' *runs off*

Mirio: *breaks the restrains* Baby take deep breaths. It's okay. I'm here.

Tamaki: *steadies his breath slightly*

Mirio: *kisses his forehead* I won't let anything happen to you. You're safe with me.

Tamaki: *steadies his breathing completely*

Mirio: there we go. *holds him close* I'm sorry that happened.

Tamaki: I-it wasn't your f-fault. *smiles slightly*

Mirio: it feels like it. Come on let's go home. *stands up and picks up Tamaki. Starts walking home*

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