Mirio and Tamaki being adorable beans

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(My friend gave me this idea. :3)

-so to set the scene it's raining. Mirio and Tamaki are at Mirio's house. I'm giving Mirio his own house as he is 18 and well yeah-

Mirio: *asleep*

Tamaki: *in a different bed*

-thunder and lightning-

Tamaki: *jumps and starts panicking* *crying*

Mirio: *wakes up* 'huh-?' *looks over to Tamaki* oh god. *runs over to him* Tamaki! *hugs him tightly*

Tamaki: *hugs him back*

Mirio: what's wrong? Is it the storm?

Tamaki: *nods*

Mirio: it's okay. I've got you. *sits on the bed with him*

Tamaki: *relaxes slightly*

Mirio: why didn't you wake me up?

Tamaki: b-because you l-looked peaceful. I-I didn't w-want to disturb y-you.

Mirio: I don't care. You wake me up if something like this happens. Okay?

Tamaki: O-okay.

Mirio: good. *kisses Tamaki's forehead* you gonna sleep?

Tamaki: *shrugs*

Mirio: *picks Tamaki up and walks over to his bed*

Tamaki: w-why?

Mirio: my bed is bigger.

Tamaki: f-fair.

Mirio: yes. *plays with Tamaki's hair*

Tamaki: *relaxes*

Mirio: UwU

Tamaki: *giggles*

Mirio: U///w///U

Tamaki: heh. *yawns*

Mirio: *lays down pulling Tamaki down*

Tamaki: *has his head on Mirio's chest* -////-

Mirio: *still playing with Tamaki's hair* go to sleep. I'm not leaving.

Tamaki: y-you promise?

Mirio: yes.

Tamaki: *smiles and falls asleep*

Mirio: sleep well. *falls asleep after*

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