If Tamaki and Overhaul became women.

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-with Hawks and Overhaul-

Hawks: *chokes on the air*

Overhaul: you okay?! Why the fuck is my voice so high?

Hawks: *not looking at him* baby bird look in a mirror.

Overhaul: okay? *looks in a mirror* ..........WHAT THE FUCK?!

Hawks: I don't know- you look hot though-

Overhaul: shut up. I'm locking myself in our room. *walks off*

Hawks: wait no. *flies over to him and hugs him* no. You stay with me.

Overhaul: I'm still with you. I just won't be in your sight the entire time.

Hawks: no. With me. By my side. All the time.

Overhaul: shut upppp.

Hawks: no. *stands up on his tip toes and kisses Overhaul*

Overhaul: *kisses back*

(Overhaul is canonically between 5'8 and 5'11 and Hawks is canonically 5'4)

-with Tamaki and Mirio-

Tamaki: *in one of Mirio's hoodies* 'I hope he doesn't notice-'

Mirio: *walks in* how are you?

Tamaki: good. 'Ffs my voice gives it all away-'

Mirio: are you sure?

Tamaki: *tells him everything before he can stop himself* 'stupid me for getting to comfortable with someone.'

Mirio: oh. Hmmmm. Cuddles?

Tamaki: that would be appreciated.

Mirio: Yay! *cuddles him*

Tamaki: *giggles and relaxes*

Mirio: my beautiful boyfriend.

Tamaki: shut up.

-with Hawks and Overhaul-

Overhaul: I'm not fucking wearing it!

Hawks: please?

Overhaul: no!

Hawks: pleaaaasssssseeeeeee?!

Overhaul: no!!

Hawks: just put it on!! I'm older than you and I am telling you to put it on.

Overhaul: I'm taller than you and I'm saying no!

Hawks: just put it on. *pushes him into the room*

Overhaul: I hate you.

Hawks: sure you do.

Overhaul: fine I've put it on can I take it off now?!

Hawks: no. Now come out of the room so I can see you.

Overhaul: *sighs* *walks out of the room* *in a dress*

Overhaul: *sighs* *walks out of the room* *in a dress*

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Hawks: very pretty! Just like you!

Overhaul: shUt Up! *puts his bird mask on* I will peck you!

Hawks: wow I'm so scared.

Overhaul: *pecks him*

Hawks: ow-

Overhaul: I'll do it again.

Hawks: please no-

Overhaul: then shut up.

Hawks: but I don't want to!

Overhaul: well you're going to have to.

Hawks: do I have to put a suit on now?

Overhaul: don't you dare.

Hawks: why not?

Overhaul: just no.

-with Mirio and Tamaki-

Nejire: *yeets in* I heard about the problem so i brought candy.

Mirio: *smiles*

Tamaki: heh. Okay.

Nejire: 'I'm the best' UwU

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