Shoto and Katsuki switch quirks.

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Deku: *activates his quirk*

Katsuki: *activates "his" quirk/s/* Why the fuck is my arm cold- *looks at his hands* What the fuck?! This ain't my quirk- This is Shoto's quirk-

Shoto: *from somewhere* OH FUCK-

Katsuki: *yeets towards where the sound was coming from* Shoto-

Shoto: *staring at a hole in the wall*

Katsuki: damn-

Shoto: uhhhh. I'm so confused.

Katsuki: we've switched quirks.

Shoto: makes sense. Now teach me how to control this thing- please-

Katsuki: sure- let's just go to the training grounds-

Shoto: good idea-

-at the training grounds-

Katsuki: okay. You know about my quirk and shit so I don't need to explain how it works-

Shoto: I just need you to tell me how to control it-

Katsuki: okay.

-after like 3 hours-

Shoto: I think we're both able to control this- but be careful your body isn't built for the temperatures of my quirks.

Katsuki: okay. Do you actually feel the heat and coldness when you activate your quirks?

Shoto: nope- I mean I get burns and hypothermia sometimes but I don't feel anything-

Katsuki: well your ice quirk is so fucking cold-

Shoto: well no shit-

Deku: *walks over*

Shoto: *yeets and hides behind Katsuki* *shaking slightly*

Katsuki: what the fuck do you want?!

Deku: my boyfriend.

Katsuki: he isn't your boyfriend!!

Deku: *rolls his eyes* just hand him over!

Shoto: 'no'

Katsuki: never!

Deku: I could easily attack you as you can't control his quirks.

Katsuki: I know enough to beat your ass.

Deku: do you though?

Katsuki: yes. Now fuck off!!

Deku: *rolls his eyes and walks off*


Shoto: Dad-

Aizawa: yes.

Shoto: we have a small problem.

Aizawa: what is it?

Shoto: *shows him the little explosions he can create*

Katsuki: *shows Aizawa the little flames and small ice cubes he can create-*

Aizawa: well shit- that's weird.

Shoto: exactly-

Katsuki: I mean I wouldn't mind it but the ice is too fucking cold and I can't use the fire for too long because it gets very hot-

Shoto: heh. The explosions don't bother me much but I can't control it- I mean I can a little-

Aizawa: I mean I could just erase both of your quirks for now until they change back?

Shoto: sure-

Aizawa: *erases their quirks*

-an hour later-

Aizawa: are you back to normal-?

Katsuki: *hits Deku with his quirk* Yep.

Shoto: hah.

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