Drunk Natsuo + TodoBaku

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Toga: *sat in Natsuo's room*

Natsuo: *kicks his door open* Toooogggaaaaaa

Toga: 'shit.' Get into bed-

Natsuo: anything fOr you! *flops on his bed*

Toga: now sleep

Natsuo: bUt I wAnNa SeE yOuR fAcE

Toga: you can see it tomorrow when you get a hangover.

Natsuo: but I wanna see it nowwwww.

Toga: no. Now go the fuck to sleep.

Natsuo: naught gIrl. That was very bAd languagE!

Toga: I don't care. Go to sleep.

Natsuo: fineeeeeeeeeeeee. Cuddles-?

Toga: I don't see why not. *flops next to him*

Natsuo: *hugs her* UwU

Toga: heh.



Katsuki: FINE YOU OLD HAG! *opens the door* Hello- Shoto. What the-

Shoto: *collapses*

Katsuki: *catches him* wtf?! *brings him in the house and locks the door* *picks him up, walks to the couch and lays him down*

Mitsuki: who was it- *sees Shoto* oh god. 'My future son-in-law!' *walks over* what happened?

Katsuki: no idea. I opened the door then BoOm he collapsed.

Mitsuki: is he unconscious-?

Katsuki: no idea. Icyhot if you can hear us open your goddamn eyes.

Shoto: *no response*

Mitsuki: I wonder what happened. I'll get some things to warm him up. You check for any wounds.

Katsuki: YOU want ME to check him for wounds. What if he wakes up?! How am I meant to explain that?!

Mitsuki: do it quickly then!

Katsuki: FINE!

Mitsuki: *walks off*

-a few minutes later-

Katsuki: I can't believe you made me check for wounds, clean and bandage his wounds and change his hoodie to one of mine.

Mitsuki: I couldn't leave him in his wet hoodie he would of got a cold.

Katsuki: yeah but you didn't have to make me do everything! Also he needs to eat more

Mitsuki: what do you mean?

Katsuki: he didn't eat for a full month and I'm starting to think he is only eating a little bit per day.

Mitsuki: oh god. I'll make him something when he wakes up. What does he like?

Katsuki: cold soba.

Mitsuki: why cold?

Katsuki: *shrugs*

-like an hour later-

Shoto: *wakes up*

Katsuki: thank god you're awake.

Shoto: what happened?

Katsuki: I opened the door and you collapsed.

Shoto: oh.

Katsuki: my mom is making food for you and you're gonna eat it whether you want to or not.

Shoto: okay.

Mitsuki: *walks in* Hello Shoto. I see you are awake.

Shoto: yeah. I'm sorry for coming around unexpectedly. My mom broke into the house and I just ran away because I'm not mentally strong enough to deal with her.

Mitsuki: I heard about the divorce. What did she do anyway?

Shoto: said something that made me not eat, burnt my face, gave me multiple ice burns and the list goes on.

Mitsuki: ok god. How dare she treat her own son like that.

Katsuki: 'bruh-'

Mitsuki: would you like cold soba?

Shoto: yes please.

Mitsuki: okay then. *walks off* 'I like this kid. Meh son better ask him out soon or I'm going to lose it.'

Katsuki: you.

Shoto: me?

Katsuki: yes you.

Shoto: what did I do-?

Katsuki: not necessarily what did you do but who did that to your stomach

Shoto: what the- oh. As I said my mom came and I left. I think that gives you enough information.

Katsuki: imma kill the bitch.

-after eating-

Shoto: thank you.

Mitsuki: you're welcome. Why don't you two go upstairs.

Katsuki: okay. Shoto can you stand?

Shoto: I think so-

Katsuki: I'll just pick you up it's easier. *picks him up and walks to his room* *puts Shoto on his bed* so do you want to sleep or do you want to do something? *hiding all his Shoto stuff*

Shoto: I don't know. *lays down*

-doorbell goes off-

Katsuki: ffs. OLD HAG WHO IS IT?!

Mitsuki: ITS DEKU-

Katsuki: DON'T LET HIM IN!!


Katsuki: good. Because I might just blow him up if I see his ugly ass face.

Shoto: woah calm down.

Katsuki: no. He is a bitch.

Shoto: you're not wrong-

Katsuki: so you sleeping or no?

Shoto: hmm.

Katsuki: look at the time 1 am. You're gonna sleep. Now. *puts the covers over him* Sleep.

Shoto: you need to sleep too.

Katsuki: I'll sleep on the floor.

Shoto: no. Get in this bed right now.

Katsuki: but you-

Shoto: shut up and get in the bed

Katsuki: fine. *gets in the bed and lays on his side facing Shoto* did you ever share a bed with Deku?

Shoto: no. He would always make me sleep on the floor or on the couch.

Katsuki: 'fucking nerd. Imma beat his ass' well that nerd is an asshole. Now go to sleep.

Shoto: fine.

(And then they fell asleep. :3)

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