Aizawa and Mic on the news

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Aoyama: *asleep on Tokoyami's lap*

Tokoyami: 'hello darkness my old friend. I've come to talk with you again'

Katsuki: *has his head in Shoto's lap*

Shoto: *playing with his hair*

-with Aizawa and Mic-

Aizawa: *fixes Mic's tie* idiot.

Mic: heh.

Camera man: and we are live in 3. 2. 1.

News reporter: Hello I'm Jamie and welcome to the 5pm news. Today we have two pro heroes. Eraserhead and Present Mic. So how is hero work?

Aizawa: it's okay. Hard work but worth it.

Mic: its amazing. Seeing people saved and how happy people are it's worth the injuries.

Jamie: talking about injuries what is the worst injury you think you've had.

Mic: hmm.

Aizawa: you got hit and you feel into the wall then fell on the floor. You were very badly hurt that time-

Mic: that's true. I can't think of anything worse.

Aizawa: I got hit with some quirk that paralyzed me for a few days. It wasn't really an injury but it hurt like hell.

Jamie: they both sound horrible. Anyway we've got loads of pictures of you two hanging out together.

-pictures appear on a screen-

Mic: 'he looks so fucking handsome in all of them.'

Aizawa: 'why does Mic have to have such a pretty face?'

Jamie: how long have you two been friends?

Aizawa: a long time now. A good 16 or 17 years now.

Mic: yeah.

Jamie: that's a long time. Most friendships don't last that long as they fall out of contact

Mic: I mean we were both training to be the same thing so I doubted we would fall out of contact.

Jamie: true. What do you think of Class 1a?

Mic: they're amazing. Every single one of them. They're gonna grow up to be great heroes.

Aizawa: agreed. Even though they can be annoying and stupid a lot they are all smart even if they don't see it. I love them like they're my children.

-with class 1a-

All of them: 'we love you too Dadzawa.'

-with Mic, Aizawa and Jamie-

Jamie: so I've heard rumours that you guys can dance.

Aizawa: Mic no-

Mic: I can dance. I'm awesome at dancing.

Aizawa: *facepalms*

Jamie: *giggles* I don't think your friend agrees with you.

Mic: 'boyfriend.' He never does. He thinks my dancing is terrible.

Aizawa: I don't think its terrible I know its terrible.

Mic: *gasps* how roode.

Jamie: well why don't you show us your dancing?

Mic: I would but not in this suit.

Jamie: maybe if we get you in at another time without a suit.

Mic: maybe.

Aizawa: oh God.

Jamie: a big question people want to know is what is your opinion on the LGBTQ+ community

Mic: 'we're in it.' Its amazing. People expressing themselves in a way they like. Liking who they want. People shouldn't feel forced to hide who they are. You be you and don't let anyone stop you.

Aizawa: exactly love is love. It doesn't change if its two boys or two girls. It's still love. But don't come out if it's not safe to do so.

Jamie: what's your opinion on homophobic comments and behaviour.

Aizawa: it shouldn't exist. Just because someone likes some of the same gender doesn't mean you can be rude about them. The amount of people that get scared to come out because they're friends say something homophobic is too high.

Mic: homophobic jokes are not jokes. They're just you trying to hide the fact you are actually homophobic. If you don't like the fact someone is in the LGBTQ+ community well keep your mouth shut. No one wants to know about how you're gonna turn them straight or whatever.

Jamie: I'm sure many people watching this feel alot more calm about coming out and who they are.

Aizawa: I hope they do. It's not wrong to be yourself. It's wrong pretending to be someone else.

Jamie: that should be quote of the year.

Mic: 'that my boyfriend being the best human ever'

Jamie: a few days ago we learnt Hawks has a male significant other. Do either of you have significant others?

Mic: yes.

Aizawa: indeed.

Jamie: gender?

Mic: male.

Aizawa: male.

Jamie: that's why you're so accepting with the LGBTQ+ community because you are in it.

Aizawa: exactly

Mic: it would be stupid if we were in it but then hated it.

Jamie: we have more pictures of you two hanging out together yesterday.

-more pictures show up on a screen-

Mic: 'we look so much like a couple. Wait- we are. How tf did I forget.'

Aizawa: 'guess the secret is going to come out right here. Right now.'

Jamie: you two seem to be awfully close.

Aizawa: we are.

Jamie: any particular reason why?

Mic: I mean we were on a date.

Jamie: oh. You two-

Aizawa: yep.

Mic: *smiles like an idiot*

-with class 1a-

Class 1a: Kiss. Kiss. Kiss. Kiss. Kiss. Kiss. Kiss.

-with Jamie, Mic and Aizawa-

Jamie: *giggles* there is one thing I feel like everyone watching this is chanting at home.

Mic: hmm. Probably. Knowing Class 1a they definitely are.

Aizawa: indeed.

Jamie: so to make the people happy. Kiss.

Mic: *looks at Aizawa* *😏*

Aizawa: *rolls his eyes and kisses Mic*

Jamie: :)

-with class 1a-

Tokoyami: *covers Aoyama's ears*

Mina, Kaminari, Kirishima and Sero: YAY!!

Tokoyami: *uncovers Aoyama's ears*

-with Mic, Aizawa and Jamie-

Jamie: and that's all we've got time for today. The 7pm news is coming up later but until then. Goodbye.

-news ends-

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