Sad- Injured Eri and Shoto part 2.

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Eri: Shoto-?

Recovery girl: he is asleep at the moment.

Eri: can I at least lay with him?

Recovery girl: I don't see why not. *picks up Eri and puts her on the bed*

Eri: thank you.

Recovery girl: you're welcome. *walks off*

Eri: *crawls across the bed to Shoto and curls up into Shoto's side* *being very careful*

-with class 1a-

Katsuki: *not focusing at all*

Mina: You good?

Katsuki: not really.

Mina: I know you're not a hug person but hug?

Katsuki: *hugs her tightly*

Mina: *hugs him back* 'whatever he saw scared and upset him a lot-'


Shoto: *opens his eyes* Eri?

Eri: Shoto! *smiles*

Shoto: *smiles back* you okay?

Eri: yes. I feel bad that you took most of the hits-

Shoto: I couldn't let you be hurt any more then you were.

Recovery girl: I see you're both awake.

Shoto: yeah.

Eri: *nods*

Recovery girl: you feeling any better?

Eri: I am-

Shoto: not really.

Recovery girl: a detective is going to come in and ask you about what happened.

Shoto: *sighs* I'm not in the mood.

Recovery: I know you're not but it has to be done.

Shoto: okay.

-about 20 minutes later-

Detective: *walks in* Hello. I'm guessing you're Shoto Todoroki?

Shoto: that's me.

Detective: so do you remember anything about what they looked like?

Shoto: from what I could tell is they were female. Between 40-50 years old. And that is it. I couldn't see much because it was dark.

Detective: okay. Did they use their quirk?

Shoto: no.

Detective: okay. One last question. Is there anyone you know that has it in for you?

Shoto: Chad but he's a guy- uhhh there was this girl that thought I was trying to steal someone from here and my mother.

Detective: okay.

Shoto: I just don't know why any of them would do that to Eri as well.

Detective: well thank you for your time.

Shoto: you're welcome.

Detective: *walks off*

Shoto: well that wasn't that bad-

Katsuki: *runs in and hugs him*

Shoto: woah- *hugs him back*

Katsuki: how was the thing with the detective?

Shoto: it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be.

Katsuki: okay. I swear when they find out who it was I'm going to kill them.

Shoto: heh. You do that.

Katsuki: 'I wanna hear him laugh. But how do I get him to laugh?'

Shoto: why are you looking at me like that?

Katsuki: I'm planning something-

Shoto: okay-

Katsuki: 'I can't tickle him because I'd hurt him- I could make a joke? It's worth a try-' can I tell you a joke?

Shoto: I don't see why not.

Katsuki: *insert joke here* (I can't tell jokes I'm terrible at telling jokes-)

Shoto: *giggles*

Katsuki: *melts* 'he sounds like an angel' *tells him another joke*

Shoto: *laughing*

Katsuki: *red*

Shoto: you okay?

Katsuki: yeah yeah I'm fine.

Shoto: okay.

Katsuki: hmmm- imma ask recovery girl something. *walks off*

-like 10 minutes later-

Katsuki: *walks back to him with Mitsuki*

Mitsuki: you're coming with us.

Shoto: O-O I can't walk-

Katsuki: that's why I'm going to carry you.

Shoto: okay-


Shoto: *layed on Katsuki's bed*

Katsuki: any idea who it could be?

Shoto: I was thinking it could be Chad but they were female. Or well biologically female. So then I thought either your simp that hates my guts or well *swallows fresh air* my mother.

Katsuki: O-O. Look at me.

Shoto: *looks at him*

Katsuki: well whoever it was you don't have to worry about them anymore.

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