Hawks goes into the past-

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Hawks: where the fuck am I- is that small Kai? Oh my god it issss. He is so cuteee.

Past Overhaul: 'why is there a chicken man staring at me-?'

Overhaul's Uncle: Bitch come on!

P. Overhaul: *runs after him*

Hawks: tf did he just say to meh small boyfriend- *flies after them*

P. Overhaul: 'that chicken man is following me-'


P. Overhaul: *reading*

Hawks: *knocks on the window*

P. Overhaul: the fuck- *opens the window* what are you doing here?!

Hawks: well I'm from the future.

P. Overhaul: what-

Hawks: you heard me. Are you okay?

P. Overhaul: I'm fine.

Hawks: *puts his hands on his shoulder*

P. Overhaul: *pulls away* don't touch me.

Hawks: you let me touch you in the future-

P. Overhaul: what?!

Hawks: not like that! Ffs. Have you always thought like that-?

P. Overhaul: you kinda do after my life-


P. Overhaul: NOPE!

Overhaul's Uncle: I'm coming in there!

P. Overhaul: fuck. *pushes Hawks out of the window and closes the window* *sits on his bed an continues to read*

Overhaul's Uncle: *opens the door and looks around* hmmm. *walks off* *locks the door after he leaves*

P. Overhaul: *crying*

Hawks: open the goddamn window! Fuck it. I'll pay for it. *breaks the window and yeets over to him* *hugs him*

P. Overhaul: *hugs him back*

Hawks: 'I'm changing his past-'

Meh: I'll fix it later-

Hawks: 'oki-' *humming to himself* *appears back in the present* *hugging present Overhaul while humming* *kisses Overhaul's forehead*

Overhaul: UwU

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