Mirio and Tamaki

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Tamaki: oh my god did you call me baby?

Mirio: maybe-

Tamaki: umm

Mirio: is that okay?

Tamaki: yeah it's cool. I liked it.

Mirio: cool! *hugs him*


There must be a reason Tamaki called Mirio the sun then named himself suneater.


Tamaki: *feeling very self conscious*

Mirio: *takes his coat off and wraps it around Tamaki*

Tamaki: *smiles* thank you.

Mirio: you're welcome!!

Tamaki: heh.


Some bItcH: Suneater is a terrible hero.

Tamaki: *hides in his hood*

Mirio: *walks over* shut up. Suneater is an amazing hero. *walks back to Tamaki and picks him up*

Tamaki: wha-

Mirio: UwU


Mirio: Tamaki!!!

Tamaki: shush we are in school.

Mirio: so?

Tamaki: *facepalms* what do you want?

Mirio: I want to do this. *puts a flower crown on Tamaki's head*

Tamaki: O-O

Mirio: very pretty.

Tamaki: ShUsH-

Mirio: make me.

Tamaki: *kisses him quickly before running off*

Mirio: no come back- *runs after him*


Mirio: Nejire you seen Tamaki?

Nejire: you mean that Tamaki there- *points at him*


Mirio: O-O what's wrong with him?

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Mirio: O-O what's wrong with him?

Nejire: no idea. I found him like that.

Mirio: okay- *walks over* Tamaki what's wrong?

Tamaki: life.

Mirio: can you expand on that?

Tamaki: no.

Mirio: okay. Well no being depressed when I'm your boyfriend. *picks him up*

Tamaki: MiRiO pUt Me DoWn!!!

Mirio: no.

Nejire: I kNeW yOu WeRe DaTiNg!

Mirio: we've already told you-

Nejire: oh yeah-

Tamaki: anyway PuT mE dOwN-

Mirio: no!

-like 20 minutes later-

Mirio: *walks into his house*

Tamaki: why are you still carrying me?!

Mirio: why not

Tamaki: ............. I hate you.

Mirio: no you don't.

Tamaki: you're right. I don't.

Mirio: Hehe.

(Basically they watched movies then cuddled until they fell asleep)

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