KiriKami + a tiny bit of TodoBaku

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Kaminari's childhood friend (She is a noice person): Kaminari?!

Kaminari: (let's call her Chloe bc it's the first name that came to mind) Chloe?!

Chloe: it's been too long.

Kaminari: indeed.

Sero: who is this-

Kaminari: a good friend of mine. From a long time ago

Chloe: indeed.

-with Kirishima and Mina-

Kirishima's ex let's call her Ruby: b-but Kirishima-Kun-

Kirishima: I've already told you! We are over! And that was 2 years ago!!! Why can't you just move on!!

Ruby: because I still love you!! I can't get over it! Please come back to me Kirishima-Kun!

Kirishima: I already have a lover.

Ruby: w-what- but what about me?!

Kirishima: do I give a fuck?

Mina: no not one.

Kirishima: how many fucks do i give?

Mina: zero.

Kirishima: exactly therefore your comment is

Kirishima and Mina: Irrelevant

Ruby: *crying*


All 3: *look at the door that has now been kicked down*


Sero: *holding Kaminari back*

Ruby: *runs off*

Kirishima: hey calm down-

Kaminari: but she made you angry!

Kirishima: it's okay. She has gone. *hugs Kaminari*

Kaminari: *calming down* *hugs him back*


Kirishima: *talking to Uraraka*

Kaminari: *ill* *very clingy and over protective* *walks over and hugs Kirishima pulling him slightly away from her*

Kirishima: O-O

Uraraka: O.O


Kaminari: pay attention to meee

Kirishima: I need to go-

Kaminari: nooooooooooooooooo.


Deku: *hugging Shoto*

Shoto: 'get off meeeee'

Katsuki: *walks over* *pulls Deku away from Shoto* Get your nasty hands off my property.

Shoto: O/////O

Deku: what?! No he is mine!!

Shoto: *O—O* no-

Katsuki: Mine. *throws Deku down*

Deku: *walks back over and grabs Shoto where he shouldn't*

Katsuki: *picks Deku off the ground by Deku's shirt collar* Get. Your. Nasty. Fucking. Hands. Off. My. Property.

Deku: I'll go tell everyone about your relationship then!

Katsuki: no one will believe you. Also we're not in a relationship. 'Yet-' *throws Deku through a window* *turns to Shoto* oh god- come here. *opens his arms for a hug*

Shoto: *hugs him and cries*

Katsuki: he had no right to touch you like that. I'll make sure it never happens again and if it does you tell me as soon as you can.

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