"Please don't go out and kill Finn and Rachel," I joked and we both laughed a bit.

"No, I'm not even talking about the kiss. Schuester finally cut the crap- or kind of- with only having them sing lead, we just needed better songs-"

"Your song was great, San," I sighed, not wanting her to start blaming herself.

"Maybe," she shrugged, "but it wasn't good enough for Nationals. I mean, look at Vocal Adrenaline. They had an amazing song and got into the top ten,"

"Maybe say something to Schue when we get back?" I suggested but she just shook her head.

"For him to listen, we need Finn and Rachel. If we can get them on side, we might have a chance."

"I know you really wanted to win, San. Are you still sad?"

"Kind of, but more proud. Looking back at these videos, I can see how much we have grown. We are all so much closer and we respect each other now instead of just our talent." I rolled onto my back to get more comfortable.

"Do you remember when we used to spy for Coach Sylvester?" I giggled.

"How could I forget, thank fuck for Quinn forcing us to join the Glee Club,"

"We owe it all to her,"

"We would have worked it out eventually," she told me. I know that she was talking exclusively about our relationship. I would do anything to hold her hand right now.

"I've always loved you," I said mindlessly. She looked up shocked. "I mean, even before I knew you, I loved something. I knew that I loved something, but I didn't know what it was. But then, when I met you, everything just fell into place. My love for you has always been there, and it always will be,"

"Why do you have to say all the romantic stuff when I can't kiss you?" she mumbled. We continued to look into each other's eyes- or the best we could do through a screen- until San got a notification. "Kurt just asked me to run lines with him tomorrow for some show called Pip, Pip, Hooray... strange."

"Are you going to go?" I asked, trying to make it seem like I didn't know why he asked her.

"Should I?"

"I think it will be fun," I shrugged and she nodded before messaging him back.

"A day with the gay it will be then," she joked and I laughed, but not at her rhyme.

"You know you're gay too, right Babe?"

"Who? Me?" she placed her hand to her chest, feigning innocence. "Never," she smirked. "I love you,"

"I love you too, Sanny," I smiled sleepily.

"You're tired?"

"Kinda, but I wanna talk to you,"

"Well how about you lay down and we can talk until you fall asleep. I will do the same and then we will stay on all night?" I nodded through a yawn and placed my phone on charge before putting it next to me on the bed. "Wait, did you have dinner yet?"

"Mhm, we stopped on the way. Did you?"

"Yeah, I just made some pasta for my mom and I, and left some for her." I nodded and we started talking about anything and everything until she fell asleep. It wasn't the same as having her in person, but her breathing still allowed me to follow her into a peaceful sleep.


Day One:

Today had gone quite well considering that I didn't have San. I was missing her, of course, but I knew that she would be happily distracted thanks to Kurt. I really owe him. Maybe I can babysit Finn, Burt and Carole so he can spend some special time with Blaine. Blaine's name is Uni Number Two, but I think that he is a bit freaked out by it. I'm not sure why, though. San told me that he was a unicorn and, after speaking to him, I concluded that she was right. Besides, he can't be a unicorn without knowing he's magical.

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