Taehyung opened his eyes and looked around. As he looked up, he came to his senses. He saw his baby boy sleeping like a baby. Both of them had fallen asleep on the couch before the movie was even over. Taehyung sat up and smiled seeing how peaceful Jungkook looked sleeping like that. He ruffled his hair a bit and stood up as he folded up his sleeves.
He picked the younger up bridal style and walked towards the younger's room. As of instinct, Jungkook wrapped his arms around Taehyung's shoulder and burried his face in the older's neck. Taehyung enjoyed the sweet vanilla scent coming from the younger and a smile creeped upon the older's lips. 

Taehyung entered inside the younger's room and gently placed the younger on the fluffy bed. Jungkook shuffled a bit and fell asleep back again as Taehyung covered the younger with the blanket and sat down beside him. Taehyung placed his hand on Jungkook's forehead to check his temperature.
Taehyung sighed in relief that he was okay and looked at the younger with adoration.
Taehyung looked at younger's lips. He found the little mole under his baby boy's lips so cute. Taehyung couldn't resist that soft plump strawberry colored lips of Jungkook's. Taehyung wanted to savour the taste of Jungkook's lips on his. Taehyung's eyes became hazy as he stared at the pink, soft plushy lips of the younger.
He leaned forward to capture the younger's lips on his. As both of their lips were inches apart from touching, Taehyung abruptly stopped.

Taehyung himself stopped in the middle and whispered, "I don't want our first kiss to be like this. I'm not a coward. I want that to happen when you are wide awake and I want you to know that I love you so much. Baby boy....Just wait till I make you mine."

Taehyung's leaned back and brushed the strands of hair from Jungkook's forehead to the side. He leaned in again to place a soft kiss on the Younger's forehead. He got back up and placed his hand on Jungkook's cheek. He held Jungkook's warm cheek and softly traced the pad of his thumb on younger's cheek. He understood that the younger felt very calm and at ease as he saw that the younger leaned into Taehyung's hand more. Taehyung smiled and cooed at how KYUTE the younger looked.



Jungkook opened his eyes as the faint rays of light seeped through his window. He sat up and checked the time and saw that it was already 7. He immediately got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower. He was feeling much better now and felt very energetic after a good rest.

He came out of the shower and dressed up quickly. He took his bag and rushed out as he fetched his phone and earphones from the table.
But unluckily, he didn't notice the awesome breakfast Taehyung made for him before the older left early morning. There was even a note for him, saying


In around 15 minutes, Jungkook got out of the park he usually went through to get to the company building. But this time, he didn't cross the road, the younger went straight to his hyung's cafe for breakfast.

The bell jingled as Jungkook entered inside. Jin raised his head to see who came in, as he was reading an interior design magazine.
"Ohh...Kook-ah!! Its unusual to see you at this time. Are you early today? Your work starts at 8:30 right? Its only 7:45.", Jin asked.
"Hyung cut the questions. I'm so hungry. Gimme something to eat.", Jungkook said as he sat on a stool in front of Jin.
"You little....ughh!! Fine. Brown sugar toasts with whipped cream and fruits. Is that fine?", Jin asked as he was putting his apron on, to which Jungkook nodded.
"And to drink?", Jin turned around to ask.
"Orange juice is fine. Just make it quick. I'm starving hyungie!!!", Jungkook begged.
"Hyungie??? tell me the truth, you fell in the shower today right?", Jin asked as he started preparing Jungkook's breakfast.
"No....whats wrong with hyungie? Speaking of hyungs, where is Joon hyung?", Jungkook asked looking around.
"Joonie...He was around here somewhere. Where did he go? I bet he is upto something. He might be breaking something as we speak. I'll wax him alive if he breaks any one of my precious crockery collection." Jin replied with anger evident in his voice to which Jungkook just giggled quietly.

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