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I'm getting changed in my bedroom. 'So finally going on a date, huh?' Kim asks through the phone. I hold up to sets of clothing. 'Yeah.' I say with a smile as she points at the right one. I put the other clothes back before flipping the camera so I can change. When I have the dress over my shoulders, I struggle to reach the zipper on the back. 'You okay there?' Kim asks with a laugh. 'Yeah yeah.' I says as I strain to reach it. There's a knock on the door. 'Yeah?' I ask. The door opens and Clay steps in. I smile at the sight behind me in the mirror. 'Fancy.' I say. He's wearing a dark green dress shirt and black pants.

He walks up behind me, placing one hand on my hip as he moves to get the zipper for me. He's blushing a little as he zips up the dress. 'Beautiful.' He says softly before kissing the back of my neck. He steps back and looks at me through the mirror. 'You guys are cute.' Kim says. Clay looks confused at the voice, but his eyes land on the phone that's set up next to the mirror. 'Oh, Hey.' He says. Kim waves at him 'you look fancy!' She says. 'Thank you.' He says with a smile.

I finish up and head down. 'Could you keep my phone on you?' I ask. 'Of course.' He says as he takes it. 'All dresses should have pockets.' I pout. Clay chuckles as he opens the car door for me. 'Clay?' I ask before he closes the door. 'Yeah?' He asks as he raises his eyebrow. I get back out and reach up to wrap my arms around his neck, hugging him briefly before pulling back and smiling at him. Hands still in place. 'You're amazing.' I say with a goofy smile. He gently grabs my chin and kisses me, catching me in surprise. 'I love you.' He whispers. I feel the blush reach my cheeks. 'I-'

'Hey neighbors!' Sierra and Arjen walk up, making me and Clay quickly back off. 'Going out this evening?' Sierra asks. 'We are.' I say with a smile. Their baby gorgels in her arms, making me giggle as I see Clay looking at me in the corner of my eye. 'We don't really want to keep you guys up then, but we wanted to ask of you could maybe watch over James next Sunday.' Arjen asks. James their baby makes a sound and reaches his chubby baby hand to me. I move my hand closer so he can grab my finger. 'Sure!' I say. 'Oh thank you. It's our five year anniversary and we wanted to spend the day somewhere.' Sierra says. 'Oh really! Well congratulations already.' I say. 'We'll look after him, you guys can celebrate with just the two of you.' Clay says. 'Thanks Guys! We'll see you next weekend then.' I nod. 'Good evening.' Clay says before the walk on.

I get in the car and Clay gets in the drives seat.
The lights off the city stay behind us as the stars start to appear. I'm exited, and happy. 'Where are you taking me then?' I ask. He glances at me and then smiles. 'I found a interesting place I wanted to take you to for a while now. You'll see when we get there though.' He says. I hum and look at the road ahead. Minutes pass before Clay speaks again. 'Don't you even miss home?' He asks. 'Depends on what kind of home you're talking about. Country, place or people?' I say. 'Well I know you miss your mom and sister, but the country, the language and food and culture.' He says. 'Oh I miss the food from time to time. And sure there's something nice about hearing the language again, but besides that, not really.' I say.

He hums before continuing to drive us to our destination.

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