28. Play.

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'So where should we go first?' Alyssa asks as Clay opens the front door. I look at the dark clouds on the horizon as they head our way. 'I don't think we're going far.' I say as I point at the sky. It's really dark. We head down the steps and look at the sky. Sunny and blue behind us, dark and cloudy in front of us. 'Damn Florida.' I say. The clouds head to us fast. From one minute to the other, the weather can be completely different.

'That doesn't look good.' I say. 'Hey Amelia! Catch.'
I quickly turn to Clay and see a small ball flying my way. I manage to catch it before it hits my face and I hold the small green ball to my chest with a dramatic look of shock as I look at Clay. 'You're trying to kill me.' I say. He laughs as Alyssa takes the small ball from me and throws it at her brother.

It his his arm while he laughs at me. He looks at his sister as she chuckles. 'You're it.' She says. From standing still and laughing, he goes to a quick sprint, making Alyssa shriek and quickly turn and run. 'Run Alyssa!' I yell to her as she laughs while her brother follows her. She comes to a stop behind me and grabs my shoulders, using me as personal shield. 'What are you grabbing me for?!' I say with a laugh. 'Come'ere Alyssa~' Clay says. She giggles nervously as she hides behind me.

Clay walks up closer to us 'hand her over Amelia.' He says. It starts to rain softly. 'I don't think I can.' I say. 'Hand her over Amelia.' He says on a lower tone as he steps closer. It starts to rain a little harder as he looks down at me. 'Nah.' I say as I look up at his green eyes that shine in mischief. A grin spreads across his lips as the rain starts to fall down harder and harder. His eyes move to behind me, and Alyssa Giggles again. 'Either you or her.' He says to Alyssa. 'Her!' She says. I turn around 'what?!' I say. Clay grabs me and picks me up to set me to the side so he can head to his sister. 'No sacrifices today.' He says as she starts to run again. Clay heads for her as raindrops make their way down my face by now.

I watch them run around till Clay slips in the wet grass. He falls, making Alyssa laugh. He rubs his elbow as he sits on the grass so I walk over while chuckling. 'You deserved that.' I say. He looks up, eyes squinting a little as the heavy rain falls onto his face. I kneel in front of him 'you hurt?' I ask. 'Nah, it's alright.' He says. I stand back up and offer my hand. He takes it 'now I'm all wet.' He says as he pats his butt. I chuckle. Alyssa is already by the door, staying dry under the small roofing above it.

It starts to hail. 'Argh.' I let out a weird sound as the hard and a little painful hail comes down onto us. Clay throws the jacket he was wearing over my head, in a way so I can still see. 'Inside.' He says as he starts to run to the door. I follow him as he goes 'ow ow ow.' As he's now in just a shirt.

We head back inside, all drenched by the rain.

'Well it was nice going out.' I say jokingly. Alyssa snorts and Clay chuckles. He shivers as I take his jacket off of my head.

We all put on something dry. Afterwards we decide to just watch a movie. We all sit on the couch, snuggled up under the soft blanket. Alyssa and me have our legs to our chest as Clay sits in the middle. We sit bundled together so we all fit under the blanket.

'So what are we watching?'

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