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Its five when Clays alarm goes off. I hear him getting up behind me as I try to keep my heavy eyes open. He grabs something before quietly leaving the bedroom. I scoot over to his side of the bed as I hear the shower start in the bathroom next to the bedroom. I snuggle under the sheets and into his pillow. It's still warm and smells nice. God that never gets old. Without meaning to, I slip back into sleep.

'Amelia?' I blink my eyes open. 'You have to get ready to leave.' Clay says. I roll over so I can look at him as he sits on the edge of the bed. I whine, not wanting to leave the comfortable bed. He chuckles as the sun rises behind him. Dawn. He's right, it's better to leave now. 'You stole my side of the bed.' He says. I grin sleepily at him before sitting up and rubbing my eyes. Clay's hair is still wet. He's wearing a dark grey sweater that looks comfy. I sigh and move the sheets off of me.

I take a quick shower and get ready. Grabbing the bag I packed and heading downstairs. Clay is waiting for me downstairs and gets up when he sees me. 'Ready to go?' He asks. He picks his own backpack up and opens the front door after I put on my shoes.

The drive to Nick a quite long, so we make a stop for breakfast at seven. The sun is as good as up. 'Feels like we're going on a road trip.' Clay says before taking a bite of his sandwich. I chuckle 'under less fun circumstances. But it does.' I agree.

I fall asleep the last part of the drive and wake up by Clay closing his car door. I hear him faintly talk to Nick as I blink my eyes a couple, of times before getting out too. 'Amelia!' Nick says enthusiastically. I hug him without saying anything, still too sleepy. When he lets me go I give him a goofy and sleepy smile, making him giggle.

We head inside and we get greeted by his sisters. The youngest one immediately coming to me as the eldest, who has a crush on Clay, obviously goes to Clay first. 'You're sleeping here right?' She asks happily. 'I am.' I say with a smile. 'Yessssss! I have somethings you need to catch up on.' She says with a wink. I laugh 'alright.'

'Are you staying in Nick's room tonight?' The eldest sister asks Clay as she has an obvious blush on her cheeks. 'I don't know what he has in mind, but I guess so, yeah.' Clay says with a smile. 'If he gets too annoying you can stay with me.' She says. Clay laughs, thinking she was joking, but I know better. Nick rolls his eyes at her. 'You're the annoying one.' Nick says.

The evening falls and the three of us sit on Nick's bed, watching a movie on the tv across the room, with snacks around us. I nibble on some nachos as I sit against Nick. He's in the middle. There's a mattress on the floor next to the bed for when we're going to sleep.

Clay is asleep with his head against the wall when the movie finishes. 'Ahw, Amelia look.' Nick says softly as he pats my arm to get my attention. He's far gone. I smile as Nick gets a weird selfie with his to annoy him with when he wakes up. Nick goes to the bathroom to change and I decide to wake Clay up before he regrets falling asleep like this when his neck hurts in the morning. I sit next to him on my knees and shake him a little. He doesn't react. He's a deep sleeper I figured that. He looks so soft like this. Huddled up in the corner. Cheeks red by the warmth of us sitting huddled together. His hair fluffy and a bit messy. He must have been tired after the drive and getting up so early.

'Clay?' I ask as I shake him a little. His eyes flutter open. His half lidded eyes land on me and he smiles. 'Go to sleep, Clay.' I say with a giggle. He mumbles something I don't understand before letting himself fall against me, looking even more uncomfortable. 'No, under the sheets, and on a pillow.' I say with a chuckle. He sits back up, eyes barely opens and does grabby hands to me. 'You're such a baby sometimes.' I laugh as I help him up. I get his sweatpants from his backpack and he changes them with me in the room like it doesn't matter at all. I turn away till I hear him fall back onto the bed. 'Under, the covers.' I say As I start to pull him up. He groans as he stands up and gets under the covers.

I finally got him to lay normally when Nick walks in.

'Do you want the bed or the mattress?' Nick asks.

'I'll take the mattress.'

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