A yawning Noriko Isobe moved through the hallway of the Ooarai Barracks returning to her room with a freshly cold-water bottle. She'd done this before and had this little routine subconsciously mapped out. however she stopped when she looked out the window seeing the mass of tanks leaving the city limits. Noriko would have thought it was an early morning patrol had there not been so many of them. upon closer inspection she noticed all of the tanks leaving were from the boys teams. She moved quickly and ran outside the barracks moving towards the boys garage. When she got there, true enough, the entire hanger was empty. Realization dawned on her that the boys must have gone to fight Akari without them. With her newly acquired vigor Noriko sprinted back to the barracks and loudly acknowledged her presence.

"The boys garage is empty! Sodoko! Sodoko wake up!" Noriko yelled banging on Mallard teams room door. Opening the door was none other then the head hall monitor herself.

"Noriko! It is not even five in the morning! What could be so important that you wake me up at this hour!?" Sodoko asked.

"The boys garage is empty. I think they went to fight Akari alone." Noriko said. Sodoko was suddenly very much awake and rose both Moyoko and Nozomi from their sleep. Of course neither of the two were happy but a quick explanation got them out of bed.

"Noriko, you go wake Commander Nishizumi I'll start with everyone else." Sodoko said.

"Right." Noriko agreed and left to tell everyone else. Waking Miho was not hard. She was a surprisingly light sleeper. The news hit her quickly to and she was out of bed with shoes on running to gather the other commanders. When she got outside just about everyone was beginning to awaken. Even the other schools. Miho saw Pravda and Saunders already out getting the lay of everything.

"Miho!" Miho heard her voice being called out. she turned and saw Kay running towards her still in her sleepwear, shorts, and a tee shirt, unlike Miho herself, who slept in actual pajamas.

"Kay! What have you found out?" Miho asked as the two began walking to the command Center.

"Seems the boys up and left earlier this morning. Your friend was right, their garage is empty and all the armaments in their storage are gone to." Kay said. Miho was very confused. Why would they do this? Why leave? Did the boys not trust them? no, not that. After they spent so much time getting the Association to trust them it was hard to figure.

"Lets talk with the others. Maybe we can get an understanding of things." Miho suggested. Kay agreed and the two continued their way to the Command Center.

As the two passed through the massive courtyard they noticed the other girls already hard at work getting an adjustment on what the boys took with them. what munitions they had, what spare parts, fuel, and other things. Miho and Kay didn't have to see much to understand the same amount of confusion that the rest of the girls were feeling.

Miho and Kay made it to the Command Center just as Darjeeling herself was entering. Just like the two, she was also still in her night gown with her hair draped down her back. once the three girls walked in the would seated themselves and waited for the others. Katyusha barged in as Nonna followed behind. Katyusha was, surprisingly, wearing a onesie. Nonna had on sweets and a sweeter.

"Imbeciles! The lot of them!" Katyusha yelled. Though the other girls had no idea what she was talking about, they could hazard a guess.

"Believe me I agree with you Katyusha." Nonna said.

"Whats got you two in a twist?" Kay asked. The two Pravda students looked at the three.

"The boys siphoned all the gasoline in our tanks. It will take hours to get all of them full again." Katyusha said. This was news to the others.

Girls Und Panzer Tankery's EndTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon