Chapter Thirty Three

ابدأ من البداية

That's a lie of the century.

"Hunting", I cut in trying to draw Adam's attention off Dean "Just... hunting."

"Like birds? Deer?"

Not entirely sure how to honestly white lie myself out of that question m, I divert "You called your Dad cause you said your Mom went missing?" His mood dimming, Adam nods. "How long has she been gone?"

Without even thinking, Adam tells me "Three days."

As if it's a difficult question, Dean fails to hide his grown annoyance when he asks "Who was the last person to see her?"

Motioning to the right, Adam answers "Mr. Abinanti across the road. Our neighbor. Saw her come home Tuesday night but never went to work on Wednesday." Noticing Dean gazing over Adam's shoulder I see he's looking at more photo's with the pretty blonde who must be Adam's mother. His arms around her the pair are smiling wide. Happy. The happiness that has Dean squaring his shoulders sharply bad. His chest slowly rising and falling.

"You call the police?"

"Mom's supervisor at the hospital did", I hear Adam inform Sam "Then I drove down here as fast as I could." It's only when Adam's voice wavers that my attention tears itself off Dean. Guilt twisting his features, Adam mutters gravely "I should have been here."

After a moment, Dean's asking "What'd the cops say?"

"They searched the house" Adam hesitantly gestures around "They didn't find anything. She wouldn't leave without telling anyone- like she's just dropped off the face of the Earth you know?"


Quietly I wander down the hallway of the home. Framed photos and fresh-pressed linins. Folded towels and clean floors. I'll admit it's almost amusing to imagine John in a floral blue lace bed.

Almost because I find myself leaning in the doorway watching Dean stare at more pictures that seem to coat this house from its floorboards to the nails in its shackled roof. "You know it's getting easier to understand why you resented the man", Dean mutters amongst the quiet I leave us in, staring at the frame as if he can make it catch alight. Quietly I roll my lip. It's not exactly the same circumstance but I can see what Dean implying. Wandering around the bed, Dean catches my eye and motions back out in the direction of the living room "Bobby ever take you or Katie to a game?"

"Katie at a baseball game?" I laugh at the mere thought "I would've paid Bobby to drag her to one just so I got to watch the ordeal." Dean's lip turns up at the idea. She was precious like that. When the smile lowers, I reach for his hand in the doorframe. "It's not always about what parents spend on you", I softly rub my thumb over the top of his hand "It's about the effort they put in."

"Yeah", Dean grumbles, his gaze lowered on our hands between us "Adam got an arena baseball game. Sam and I got motels and monsters."

"He taught you how to protect yourselves", I correct Dean with a small dismissive shake of my head. Nodding out towards the living room, I ask "You think Adam has any idea what actually goes on? Has any clue how to even shoot a gun?"

"Everyone's shot a gun-"

"He lives in Minnesota", I blatantly remind Dean "Come on-" My remark is cut short when something catches my eye. Peering around Dean my eyes zone in on very wide scratches I don't doubt had been made by fingers. Scratches that lead right underneath the large bed.

Dean following my line of sight walks back through the house "Sam!"


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