I heard him let out a shaky breath as I turned away from him stalking into the bathroom and slamming the door shut. I waited there for a minute before I heard him leave. I even gave it a few minutes to make sure he was out of the building before I came out. I was so fucking over all of them.


I blasted music as I walked to school. I was planning on talking with Lilith, but she was being a bitch and yelling at me. I was so over people yelling at me.

I was playing songs by Meet Me @ The Alter, one of my favorite bands. It made walking to school a lot more barrable than normal. It was also helping me forget about all of the shit last night and this morning. 

I had left Salem along the side of the school building with a can of tuna a had grabbed the last time I was at the tower. She seemed happy enough to wait there for me to finish school for the day, so I left and walked inside. 

I was instantly met with Ned holding several books. They were all clearly about my powers or my physical appearance. 

"So I found more things about your abilities and-" 

"Not here!" I hissed, cutting him off and glaring. No one could suspect anything. It wouldn't end well for me.

"Sorry," he whispered before handing me two of the top books. They were both about anatomy, one being human and the other being about animals. I sighed glancing up at him.

"I figure you want some sort of explanation of how my body is made up?" I kept my voice low as we walked through the halls. He smiled and nodded hard. 

"If I could get a sketch or an x-ray of your bone structure, I could figure out how your muscles are put together in your extra limbs." 

"I can try, key word try, to get you a sketch. X-ray is 100% out though." I sighed as I spoke at his broadening smile.

"That works!" He quickly glanced at the time and paled. "Oh shoot! I'm going to be late! See you later!" With that he sped off in a different direction. 

I glanced at the books before smiling gently. It was kinda nice to have someone this nice want to know more about me without thinking I was a freak. I also knew they wouldn't push me beyond what I was comfortable with, which was one of the only reasons I was going to work with them at all.

I began to walking to my class, feeling much better than before.


Finally, lunch rolled around in time for me to show off my rough sketch of my skeleton. I already knew mostly what it was going to look like, but it was defiantly weird to draw it out. 

"Here," I mumbled before shoving the paper into Ned's hand. His face lit up like a Christmas tree when he saw it was.

"Sweet!" He exclaimed, showing to Peter as well. We were all still waiting for MJ to join us before diving deeper into explanations. 

By the time she got there, I had finished my food and the boys had dived into excitedly talking about my drawing. 

"Hey nerds," she said, dropping heavily into a seat. I gave her a small wave, while the two crazies didn't even notice her arrival. MJ looked at me for an explanation. 

"They're looking at my skeleton." She didn't seem too surprised. 

"Ah, I see." That's how we spent almost the whole time, the boys off in their own little world while MJ and I chatted quietly about random shit. Honestly, it didn't suck.

By the time school was done, I had learned nothing new and was missing my cat.

"Hello beautiful," I giggle to Salem as she pressed close to my neck. She seemed very happy to have me back. 

The four of us had decided not to meet today, so I had plenty of time to work on the destroyed arm and terrify the star spangled man. I was looking forward to that.

Those thoughts were bashed down with a fucking sledgehammer when I got to the tower. As soon as the elevator doors opened, I was ambushed by Bucky and Bruce.

"No." I already knew what they wanted.

"You don't even-" Bucky pleaded before I cut him off.

"I do, and hell no. I'd rather break every bone in my body one by one." Bucky sighed as I pushed passed them, but I felt an a hand on my arm. I thought it was Bucky for a second, but I realized it was Bruce.

He motioned for Bucky to leave and, when he was gone, faced me again.

"Look," he began, "I know this is the last thing you want to do and that you don't really like any of us, but I'm willing to make a deal." I rolled my eyes. As if they could make me do anything I didn't want to. "Yeah, I know you're not a big fan but hear me out. Just eat like some cereal or some leftovers and I'll tell Bucky that you are just fine." I paused. Did he just say that all I had to do to get Bucky off my ass was eat something?

"Deal," I blurted out before her could change his mind, making him smile. He watched as I walked over to the fridge and grabbed a few cold tacos. Quickly eating them, I glanced back to Bruce.

"Good?" He smiled kindly, his eyes full of something new. Usually it was pity, but this was something different. Strange.

"Yeah. I'll make sure to talk to Bucky. You can head to the lab now." I gave him a small wave before bolting to the lab with Salem. Maybe I didn't hate Bruce as much as the others. He had the capacity to be cool and nice. I might have to come back to that another day. For now though, I had a shit ton of work to do if I was going to get the arm back to its full glory.

I know, more than one update in a week! Amazing!! I'm finally getting out of a depressive episode, so I decided to write for a while. I tried to make this one a little longer than I wanted to, so I hope you guys like it!! 


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