34. Training camp - 2

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You cursed inside, regretting not bringing your phone along with a small bag.
A water would've been nice too.

"Oi." You furrowed your brows, seeing two shoes stop in front of you.
"Oi." The voice repeated as you rolled your eyes, annoyed at the passerby's snarky tone. "O-"
"What?" You snarled, glaring as you locked eyes with Sakusa Kiyoomi. Your glare morphing into confusion as you lifted a brow at him. "Sakusa Kiyoomi?" You asked, looking over at Ushijima next to you. He shrugged as he stood up.
"Come on." Sakusa said, turning around and walking ahead as he glanced back at you and Ushijima. "I'll take you back to Itachiyama." He said, not waiting for your answer before running off.

You looked at Ushijima as you stood up, shrugging before catching up to Sakusa. You ran behind him, not daring to talk with the silent aura Sakusa was giving off.

Soon enough Itachiyama started coming into view.
"Ah, look Waka-san!" You slightly skipped, smiling at Ushijima as he nodded. Giving you a small smile back at your boost in energy. You jogged up to the front gates before slowing to a stop, panting at your lack of water as Sakusa looked back at the two of you. "How'd you get lost?"

You looked up at him, lifting a brow as Ushijima opened his mouth to answer.
"We didn't get lost." You waved him off, stopping Ushjima from answering.

Sakusa deadpanned at you, shaking his head as he turned to walk into the campus. "Then why were you seated on a rock, depressingly looking at the ground?"

You huffed, crossing your arms as Ushjima and you followed behind him. "We were resting, obviously. We don't carry water so after running for over an hour it's only normal to rest."

You hummed, looking back up to see a grin painting his face. Not totally visible from your spot behind him. "Does that have anything to do with how your captains said both of you are bad at directions?" He hummed, unaware of the bomb he had just dropped on the two of you as you both stopped walking. Turning to stare at each other with blank faces at your captains confessions.

Sakusa stopped walking once he noticed you two were no longer behind him. He turned around, crossing his arms as he lifted a brow at the two of you.


"We're not bad at directions." You puffed your cheeks, crossing your arms as you glared at him. "Right Waka-san?" You nudged Ushijima. He looked up at Sakusa, nodding with closed eyes as he mimicked you, crossing his arms with you.


You both shot up to look at Sakusa, hand over his mouth as he tried to hold back his snickers.

"Hah?" You glared at him, stepping up as Ushijima followed you. "Are ya laughing at us now? Sa-ku-sa." You glared at him, pointing at him closer and closer at every syllable.

He smirked at you, slightly leaning down to look at you closer. "And what if I am?"
You glared harder, ready to lunge yourself at him. Though before you had the chance to, you heard yours and Ushjima's name being called.

All three of you turned to look at your captain's jogging towards the three of you, some of your teammates following behind them.

You glanced to your side, seeing Sakusa distracted as you grinned, taking the opportunity to grab his neck and pull him down.

"Oi-" Nakayama started, stopping when Itachiyama's boy captain put his hand up, not letting her continue. "Let her." He grinned, looking at you put Sakusa in a headlock. "He probably deserved it." He finished, smiling at Nakayama as she hummed. Stepping back to see her kouhai torture another school's student.

The Grand King and Queen [Oikawa siblings]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora