"Morning joy. Sunglasses in the house? Hangover?" Christian asked grinning

I rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue out at him because I couldn't do more being that children were around.

"I only had two drinks last night smart ass." I said under my breath.

"Mmhm whatever. Ma, where's Jackson?" Christian asked.

"He's coming later on. Breakfast is on the counter top. Lauren let's go." My mom said grabbing her smoothie and turning towards me.

"Can I at least get a pancake ma?" I whined.

"No, I told you to be up by eight, it's twelve and we aren't out yet. Party starts at three. These people gonna be on time now let's go Lauren Joy Carter." She said using my whole government.

"Alright alright." I said with a sigh.

"You're driving." She told me. I rolled my eyes a little.

"Don't I always?" I said under my breath.

"Make me slap you little girl." She said rolling her neck a little.

She laughed and nudged me a little causing me to giggle.

"Where to first massa?" I asked

"Don't play like that Lauren.." She said.

"Alright, alright. Where we going though mommy?" I asked seriously.

"We got to stop by the shop, then to the nail salon." She told me.

"Alright. What time the people decorating supposed to come?" I asked

"They at the house already. They put up the tents and now they putting up the decor. Your daddy gonna love it." She said.

"Mmhm. I bet." I said.

"So how was last night?" She asked.

"Last night was fun until we had to go to the hospital." I said.

She nodded her head and we continued to the shop talking about everything that was happening today.

Once we got to the shop, I had one client waiting and one in my seat already washed out and blow dried.

"Hey, Dedra make sure my mama gets washed and put under the dryer for a little bit." I yelled to the girl in the back.

I got to working on the girl in my chair, all she wanted was her tracks tightened and her hair styler differently.

"I'm thinking we should cut it, maybe into a bob. I know you like to wear it straight and you seem to not be feeling the long hair too much." I recommended.

"That's good. I think I want some curls though." She said.

"Alright boo, I got you." I told her and got back to working on her head.

"Hey y'all." Erin said walking into the shop. He had three clients waiting. When it came to colors, Erin was bad he could do some things that would have you more than amazed so he always got his clientele based off of the baddest colors. Kelsey, works with a lot of pony tails and braids. I work with natural hair and can style the hell out of a head.

"Hey Erin." I said smiling at him.

Because we had so many clients today, and we are working on trying to make it out of here at least two hours before my dad's party we worked diligently.

Once I was on my moms head I relaxed. Kelsey was done for the day, since she came in the earliest and Erin was finishing up on someone as well.

"Erin you been quiet all day." I pointed out.

"Yeah, he has what happened?" Kelsey asked.

"Y'all, I think I may have found my one." He said breathlessly.

"The bartender?" I asked grinning.

"A bartender? What happened to you wanted you a CEO or something so you'd never have to work again?" Kelsey asked.

"Yes, Jeremy but he's not a bartender. Turns out, his cousin is a bartender and he was just helping him out last night. The man owns a software company." Erin told us.

"What? For real?" I asked.

"Yes, girl. He's in Forbes 2000 and everything. His software company is number eight on the list for biggest software companies in the world." He told us.

"Who cares about that, are yall going to date now?" I asked.

"Yes, he wants to zoom into this, and y'all know I don't usually get down like that but i think I wanna. "Erin said biting his lip.

"Awww" I gushed.

"Y'all already my favorite couple!" I said clapping my hands.

"I'm happy you finally settling down. No more one night stands." Kelsey said.

"Shut up Kelsey, not everybody can be all perfect like you and Ty." Erin said.

"Anyways, Lauren before Erin try's to hound me for being in love, what happened with you and that guy at the club last night?" She asked.

"What guy at the club last night?" Both my mom and Erin asked.

"Ma, turn around before I burn you and Erin she's talking about Dope boy." I said

"Dope boy? Joy you're talking to a drug dealer?" My mom asked.

"Mrs. Carter he aint no drug dealer. She just thinks that." Erin said waving her hand.

"Well what happened with him?" Kelsey asked again.

"Nothing, we danced and then I had to go to the hospital." Said. "I'm not really interested in talking about my non existent love life guys so can we change the subject?" I asked.

I honestly can't get Dope boy, Gucci shirt out of my head. He's so sexy, he smelt great last night, has a nice smile, and he's tall.

"Mrs. Carter, we cool right?" Erin asked siting in his chair.

"Yes baby, we cool." She said smiling at him.

"Well I think you are the best person to ask this question then because we know that Lauren over here ain't never got none and Kelsey be acting all shy about sex so, you being older and all you should know." He said breathing in. "Have you ever been sexed so well that you felt like you just had to show your gratitude to the person?" He asked seriously. He shook his head. "Because I, I feel like calling up Jeremy and just thanking him because the stuff he did to me last night, it's just no way I could have ever done that for myself." He said.

"Erin good night! Mama don't answer that y'all talk about that in private." I said shaking my head at his nastiness.

"To answer your question baby, yes. Everyday." My momma said laughing making me want to throw up in my mouth.

"Let's get out of here before we're late for daddy's party." I said taking off my work vest.


Hey y'all how are you all liking the book so far?

Who do you picture as Lauren and 'Gucci Shirt or Dope Boy' for the moment. Give me suggestions and I'll choose the ones I think fits best for the characters!

15 comments for next update!!

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