Milo thanked me then wrapped his arms and legs around me to be carried. I went back to our room with him in my arms but when I tired to put him down he would let me meaning he was having one of his 'attachment moments' as I like to call it.

We sat over by the window and I started reading him The Darkest Minds since he asked me too and who am I to say no to my little baby.

I was starting to be more conscious when I called him baby or baby boy. I hadn't really noticed I was doing it till now but I'm making sure to only say it to and around him.

By the time I was finished with the fifth chapter he was asleep again but even then he wouldn't let me go. I'm not saying it's a problem because I love holding him in my arms I just wanna know why he's only attached to me.

Maybe it's because he never really left my side in the first place. Sure when I got here I was really mean to him but I was still always right there with him. Especially when we both got sick. I stayed in his bed with him to make him feel just a little bit better.

Once I noticed he was asleep I decided it would be such a bad idea to take a nap myself so I got up—with him still in my arms of course—and went to get in my bed. I slowly laid down so I wouldn't wake him then I pulled the covers over us as well as pulling him impossibly closer to me.

I smiled down at him for a minute before I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

I hope that Milo is genuinely happy because if he's happy I'm happy.

—2 hours later—


I felt around with my eyes close till I found Milo and pulled him towards me. "Five more minutes" I mumbled against his neck. He giggled and I could feel him shaking his head.

"That's all I need.. five more" I sleepily mumble just loud enough for him to hear me. He started lightly punching my chest to wake me up. "Fine fine I'm awake bubba"

He smiled and poked my cheek softly I smiled fondly and playfully rolled my eyes at him.

"B-breakfast?" He asks tracing random shapes on my arm. "Okay bubba. Let's go" I reply getting up and grabbing him. I always end up carrying him whether it be on my back or like you would carry a little kid he always ends up in my arms.

When we got downstairs we saw that our parents had already made us blueberry pancakes. Milo bounced in his seat excitedly when we started eating. Trinity gave us both some bowls of fruit to go with the pancakes then said her and my dad had to go pick something up.

As soon as they left I looked over at Justin "They left us alone with the house.... Again.... Luckily my dad made me throw away all my spray paint when we moved.. Our room would probably look like one of those graffiti walls by now" Milo gasped then grabbed his phone and texted me something.

'You should get more spray paint... I've been wanting to decorate the walls for a while now but never knew what to do with it'

I grinned at the text.

"We should definitely do that"

He giggled and bounced some more as he ate his fruit. We both finished our pancakes already and I had to pick the grapes out of my bowl since I'm allergic so Justin ate them for me. "What should we do bub?" He shrugged and did a little happy dance after he popped some blueberries into his mouth. I chuckled and poked his side softly.

He picked up a slice of kiwi then pushed the bowl away. "You done baby boy?" He nodded and I got up and put our dishes in the sink. "I'll wash 'em later" I say picking Milo up again. Honestly he's really really light and I'm a little concerned. I'm not really the strongest guy for my age and he definitely seems light for his age.

Though it might have something to do with the fact he's just small in general for his age. We went back to our room and decided to just watch movies. We were half way through watching spider-man: homecoming when our parents got back and called us down.

There was a box on the table with a bow on top of it. "We decided to do this last night. Now this present is for both of you from the both of us. This is something we've been thinking about doing for a while now and finally thought it would be a great idea... You can open box now... Both of you" My dad says.

Milo grabbed one side of the lid and I grabbed the other. We lifted the lid and both gasped at what was inside the box.

"Puppy!" Mlio squealed I glanced up at him for a second and smiled at how excited he was. He picked the puppy up and held it like you would hold a baby. I stood next to him and pet the little dog a bit.

"I have three questions"

"Okay... Ask away" Trinity smiles.

"One. Is it a boy or a girl?"


"Two. What's the breed?"


"Three. Does he already have a name?"


Milo and I both looked at each other then back at the puppy. Who knows what we're gonna name him. I honestly want to allow Milo to choose the name. It won't matter to me. I'm fine with whatever he wants. We went back to our room to finish watching the movie but just ended up playing with the puppy.

"What should we name him bubba?" I ask watching him spin in circles while the puppy ran around him. When he stopped he nearly fell but I caught him. "Careful there bub" I chuckled. He smiled and closed his eyes for a second "D-d-dizzy" He giggled then opened his eyes again.

I smiled down at him then pulled him so he was standing up straight. We were in our own world so we didn't even notice the puppy barking at us till I felt him pulling at my pants. I sat down with Milo in my lap and grabbed the little puppy. "Hmm... What should we name you little guy?" I question holding him up a little bit.

"Rocky?" Milo shook his head. "Duke?" He shrugged "Iggy?" He started nodding his head rapidly.

I smiled and set the puppy in his lap. "Alright little guy... Looks like your name is Iggy"

Just as I said that Trinity came up to check on us. "Have you guys picked a name yet?" Milo nodded. "Wanna do the honors of telling her bubba?" She smiled at us both as Milo held our little puppy up. "I-Iggy"

"Aww that's adorable name... I'm gonna have your dad go out and get him a tag made right now" We nodded and smiled at her as she walked out the door. Milo set Iggy down then went and sat on his bed pouting.

"What's with the pout bub?" I ask walking over to him to poke his jutted out lip. He grabbed his note pad and wrote something down then turned it to me. 'I just like to pout sometimes' I chuckled an plopped down on the bed next to him. We both watched as Iggy started to chase his tail around before getting tired and laying down.

I looked over at Milo and just watched him fondly. Iggy must have been doing something funny or running in circles again because Milo started giggling. I noticed how when he giggled his eyes closed and his little nose scrunched up making him look cuter the ever before.

It was like nothing else in the world mattered to me anymore.. Right now all that matters is that I have Milo in my life and he's not going anywhere. I pulled him into my lap and put my head on his shoulder pressing a light kiss to his neck.

"Best Christmas ever"


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